Conyac で依頼された翻訳結果を公開

[英語から日本語への翻訳依頼] ConnectCubedの共同創設者であるMichael Tanenbaumが私に語ったところによれば、彼のチームは主にゲームデザイナーから構成されている...

ConnectCubed Makes Hiring For the Financial Sector More Fun

ConnectCubed is a Hong Kong based startup that hopes to make hiring for Wall Street fun, meritocratic, and scientific. The bulk of its users are finance undergrads who are looking for jobs. Their skills are accessed mainly through games. On ConnectCubed, members create profiles and play assessment games to build and showcase their finance skills. So far there are two games, one that follows a quiz format and another one is a trading simulator. Michael Tanenbaum, co-founder of ConnectCubed told me that his team is made of mainly game designers. He himself is one too but he also has a financial background. He notes that their goal is “to make epistemic gaming (games for assessment) actually fun.” Besides its digital efforts, ConnectCubed also recruits students though outreach and campus events to universities around the world. Tanennaum elaborates: We communicate with business clubs at schools across North America, Europe, East Asia and Southeast Asia (specifically Singapore). We also run contests from time to time. In fact, we are going to host a contest in two weeks time where we are giving away a Porsche and an interview at Upgrade Capital, a hedge fund in NYC, to the top performer. Banks and hedge funds will pay to assess its database. ConnectCube has an algorithm that sorts out students based on key metrics that are relevant to their clients which ranges from skill, motivation, ability to learn and adapt, and personality. Michael says that his team has recently closed several clients in Hong Kong and New York.

The finance recruitment startup received seed funding last year and is now looking for angel investment.
translation4u さんによる翻訳

ConnectCubedの共同創設者であるMichael Tanenbaumが私に語ったところによれば、彼のチームは主にゲームデザイナーから構成されているそうだ。彼自身もその一人なのだが、彼には金融系のバックグランドがある。彼曰く、同社の目標は「知識を問うゲーム(能力評価のためのゲーム)を本当におもしろいものにすること」だそうだ。デジタル面での努力に加え、ConnectCubedは世界中の大学におけるアウトリーチやキャンパスのイベント通じて学生を採用している。 Tanennaumが以下に詳しく述べている。
我が社は北米、ヨーロッパ、東アジア、東南アジア(特にシンガポール)の学校にあるビジネスクラブと連絡を取り合っているし、また、時々、コンテストを開催している。事実、我が社は2週間にわたるコンテストをホストしようと思っており、そのコンテストではトップの成績の参加者にポルシェをプレゼントしたり、NYCのヘッジファンドであるUpgrade Capitalとの面接の場を与えるつもりでいる。


Conyac で翻訳した結果

英語 → 日本語
金額 (スタンダード依頼の場合)
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