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[英語から日本語への翻訳依頼] Baidu(百度)が中国の4大マイクロブログサービスからのリアルタイム検索を提供開始 本日朝より、Baidu(百度)は4大weibo(微博)サービス...

Baidu Now Offering Real-Time Search Results from Top 4 Chinese Microblog Services

Beginning this morning, Baidu began providing real-time search services from the top four weibo service, including Sina, Tencent, Netease and Sohu. In other words, the search results on Baidu will now include microblog posts from these four major Chinese Internet major portals’ microblog services. Baidu will even return up-to-date Sina Weibo content that matches keyword searches for breaking news or popular trending topics, and the real-time search result will be displayed near the top of the search engine results page. The official press release highlights the partnership of Baidu and Sina with quotes from high level officials of both companies.

Zhang Dongcheng, executive assistant, Baidu

"When Chinese Internet users need to find something online, they turn to Baidu. We process billions of search queries on a daily basis, and many of those queries are related to the real-time information found on microblog posts. With this deal between Baidu and Sina Weibo, Baidu has completed its integration of high-quality content from China’s four leading microblog platforms." Peng Shaobin, Sina’s vice president and general manager of microblog operations

"As China’s most influential online social networking platform, Sina Weibo has always seen open platform as its direction for development. Sina hopes to encourage the continuous development of China’s Internet industry by actively cooperating with other major online platforms. To date, Weibo has accumulated more than 300 million registered users, and logs more than 100 million microblog posts daily. Sina is excited to further expand the influence of its Weibo service by cooperating with a search engine, as it is a highly efficient channel for extending the reach of quality real-time information to more netizens." Real-time information is always the most precious value provided by microblog service. Google wanted to acquire Twitter and later integrated Twitter’s real-time search result, which leaves me no surprise Chinese weibo services now partner with a leading search engine. Good news, indeed.

I thought that Baidu will now return real-time results on anything users search for, but I was wrong about it. As Kaiser Kuo, the Director of International Communications of Baidu clarified, the real-time results appear only when you search for breaking news or popular trending topics. That makes some sense, as people may more care about real-time updates on breaking news. The result page may looks messy if we return all real-time results for anything searched, Kaiser explained. Hm.. But still, I would suggest that at least Baidu could give a switch button which allows users to switch on/off real-time search.

Note that Sina Weibo officially launched its own search service last October. So how Sina is going to monetize its real-time information next?
hatano さんによる翻訳

本日朝より、Baidu(百度)は4大weibo(微博)サービスのリアルタイム検索サービスを提供開始した。4大weiboサービスとはSina(新浪)、Tencent(騰訊)、Netease(網易)、およびSohu(捜狐)である。別の言い方をすれば、Baiduの検索結果にはこれら中国における4大インターネットポータルが運用するマイクロブログサービスへのポストが含まれることになる。Baidu(百度)はそれだけでなく、速報ニュースやその時点で最も多く話題とされているトピックに対するキーワード検索と合致するSina weibo(新浪微博)の最新の内容を返すようになり、そのリアルタイム検索結果は、同社の検索エンジン結果ページのページの一番上の付近に表示されるようになった。

Baidu社エグゼクティブアシスタント、Zhang Dongcheng氏

Sina社副社長兼マイクロブログ事業ゼネラルマネージャー Peng Shaobin氏


私は、今後Baiduがユーザーが検索しようとしているあらゆるものに対してリアルタイムの検索結果を返すようになるだろうと考えた。しかし、それは間違いであった。Baiduの国際コミュニケーション部長Kaiser Kuoが明言した通り、リアルタイム検索の結果は、速報ニュースおよびその時点で最も活発に語られているトピックについて検索した時にのみ、現れるのである。


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