Conyac で依頼された翻訳結果を公開

[日本語から英語への翻訳依頼] *同じ曲が入っている音源 *○持ち方・叩き方○基本の動き○ゆっくり通して踊る○曲にあわせて踊る *それぞれAとBの練習用映像が収録されています *スローテ...

*この曲は題名どうり賑やかな曲になっています *一緒に音源CDの購入をお勧めします。お遊戯会や運動会、学習発表会など、学校行事でエイサーを指導する際に最適です
実演パートでは保育園 年長組の皆さんの演舞をエイサーメドレーでご覧いただけます
steveforest さんによる翻訳
*The sound source includes the same music.
*○How to hold and beat drums○Basic motion○Dance slowly all the through○Dance along with music
*The practising videos are recorded to the sides of A and B each.
*That will guide you carefully to the motion of dance at slow tempo and normal tempo respectively.
*How to place the belt, basic posture, drumstick beating, and raising leg while drumming.
*The teaching material for “Eisa” by professional appearance, instruction, and direction.
*Also includes music in slow tempo for practising.
*This music is lively as its title says.
*We recommend you to buy the sound source CD. This is an ideal when practising “EISAH” for the school events such as a sporting meeting and a parent’s day.
Practising part is to practise the basic motion.
Performance part is to see the dance in the Eisah medley performed by seniors at the nursery school.
This will help you understand the way of formation and motion.
◆Basic motion◆Dance in slow tempo◆Dance at a normal tempo※Use when moving to make a formation.
*A arranged all the music including the CD.
*The song by B is filled with the feeling towards a beautiful future. The CD can be felt with deep emotion as a human.

Conyac で翻訳した結果

日本語 → 英語
金額 (スタンダード依頼の場合)
steveforest steveforest
I worked for the broadcaster as an engineer for over 35 years.
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