Conyac で依頼された翻訳結果を公開

[英語から日本語への翻訳依頼] 同様の成功は経済統合の中に見ることができる。外国生まれの者が所有する事業は、過去15年間にわたり、ドイツ経済の重要な構成要素となってきた。商工会議所によれ...

The Reality of Muslim Integration
Reviewing the structural, cultural, and social integration quantified in academic studies of the past six years makes clear that the integration of “Muslims” in Germany is far better than often assumed:
・More than 50 percent of Muslims are members of a German association; a mere 4 percent are only members of an association affiliated with their country/culture of origin.
・Ninety-five percent of all Muslim boys and girls take part in coed sports and swimming classes at school (even as media reports might lead the public to believe that most Muslim parents are keeping their girls separate).
・Eighty percent of Muslim immigrants make a living from income as employees or being self-employed.
・Thirty-four percent receive the Abitur or Fachabitur (the diploma qualifying pupils for university admission), 22.3 percent finish intermediate secondary school (Realschule), and 28.8 percent finish secondary general school (Hauptschule). Collectively, this means that 85.2 percent achieve a school qualification needed to enter Germany’s diversified job market.
・Only 1 percent of Muslims in Germany can be considered part of the Islamist milieu.

Businesses owned by the foreign born have
become an important component of the German
economy over the past 15 years.
Similar successes can be seen in economic integration. Businesses owned by the foreign born have become an important component of the German economy over the past 15 years. The Board of Trade noted that self-employment rates among Muslim immigrants in Germany have constantly risen over the past 20 years, proving they are increasing productivity in establishing new jobs with new employees. Considering the Turkish population alone — the largest single Muslim immigrant group — one can observe an increase in self-employment rates of more than 200 percent since 1991.
amarone95 さんによる翻訳


Conyac で翻訳した結果

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金額 (スタンダード依頼の場合)
amarone95 amarone95
