私たちが初めて出会ったときのことをあなたは覚えてる?お好み焼きパーティーだよ。あなたの第一印象はとてもクールで、最初話しかけたときも少し冷たくて。笑 でもだんだん打ち解けていって帰る頃には仲良くなれて嬉しかった。帰り際にあなたが私の頭にキスしたを今でも鮮明に覚えてる。家に帰ってから、どうして頭にキスしてきたのかな?挨拶の一つかな?なんて色々考えてた。笑 そのときはまさかあなたと付き合うなんて思ってもなかったよ。でもそのお好み焼きパーティーがきっかけで遊ぶようになったよね。
But I was glad when we opened up each other and left the party then. When we left the party, I still remember you kissed the top of my head. After I came home, I was wondering why you kissed me, or it was just a greeting. Back then I haven't thought we became a couple together. But it was that party since we started going out together.
Have you all played Poker game?
I saw you working out hard in the morning, and you guys were so amazing. The result of marathon the other day must have been because of your daily effort. That's wonderful!
But if we didn't encounter at the party, you know we might not have been together like now. So it's just a wonder and I feel happy. How was my first impression?
Has everyone played poker game?
I saw you were working out so far in the morning, and it was so attractive. The results from the marathon rase are all because of your daily efforts. It's so wonderful!