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[英語から日本語への翻訳依頼] Xiaomiの初のシンガポールでのMiPopイベントは成功 それはパフォーマンスや豊富な景品を含む、シンガポールの忠実なファンのためのXiaomi製...

Xiaomi’s first MiPop event in Singapore was a hit

It was a celebration of all things Xiaomi for loyal Singaporean fans, complete with performances and plenty of giveaways

Xiaomi is one heck of a brand. Founded in 2010, it did not sell its own smartphone till 2011, but now, just a scant three years later, the Chinese company is the world’s third largest smartphone manufacturer, trailing only behind behemoths Samsung and Apple. The company attributes this to many factors, but to the rest of the world, it’s two main things. First is the way the phones are priced. Xiaomi is all about making as little from the actual phone sales as possible, which is why the company’s phones are often jam packed with features at a fraction of the price of its competitors. The big money is then earned through content partnership deals, which is how Xiaomi is able to sell (for now in China only) a 49-inch 4k smart HDTV with a wireless woofer for about US$640. The second method is through its marketing, which has led to Xiaomi being called the “Apple of China”. The company has leveraged viral word-of-mouth marketing like few companies have. After all, the company does not make flashy Superbowl ads or rents massive billboard space. Instead, its goal is to create fans of the brand by being exclusive. Which is why in many parts of the world, you can only buy Xiaomi phones on its online stores and often, most models are sold out with a long wait list for incoming models. Xiaomi fans, known as MiFans, are similar to Apple’s famously evangelical fans, in that they treat the brand almost as a lifestyle choice. This movement used to be contained to Mainland China but over time, Xiaomi has amassed a huge following in countries in the Asia Pacific region and even in India, where e-commerce giant Flipkart sold out its entire stock of one million Xiaomi Redmi 1S in just 4.2 seconds. Here in Singapore, Xiaomi has a small but very devoted following, so when it was announced that Xiaomi would be holding its first ever major event, fans were jubilant. The annual event, known as MiPop, has been held in many cities across China and even in Hong Kong and Taiwan, but this marks the first time the initiative took place in Southeast Asia. Xiaomi’s International VP, Hugo Barra told e27, “Doing the first (MiPop) ever in Singapore is a really special day for all of us in the team. We have such a strong following here that if we had a venue five times this size, we would fill it to capacity.” The event, which took place in Suntec City Convention Centre on Saturday, was so anticipated that around 1,600 people applied for the 300 or so available tickets, which forced Xiaomi to have to ballot the available tickets.

For the lucky people who attended, Xiaomi played down the announcements of its products and instead focussed more on playing games and watching performances by MiFans. “This event is about celebrating MiFans,” a Xiaomi spokesperson said. Another big part of the event was the giveaways including phones, routers, smart TV boxes and, best of all, two Xiaomi TVs which are not available outside of China. Each giveaway was received with rambunctious applause by the sea of orange shirts that filled the hall.

We then asked Barra what would happen at the next MiPop with this one doing so well, “We’re not going to grow (the event) too big; we are a small company. We like to keep it like a big family event.” To end it off, Barra said to Singaporean fans, “We love you very very much and are so excited to be here.”
yyokoba さんによる翻訳


この動きはかつては中国本土内に留まっていたが、時間と共にXiaomiはアジア太平洋諸国で多くのファンを獲得し、さらにインドでもeコマース大企業のFlipkartがXiaomi Redmi 1Sの100万台の在庫をわずか4.2秒で売り尽くしたほどの人気である。ここシンガポールではXiaomiは数は少ないが非常に熱心なファンが存在しており、Xiaomiが初めての大イベントを開催すると聞いたファンたちは大喜びだった。
MiPopとして知られる毎年恒例のイベントは中国の多くの都市だけでなく香港や台湾でも開催されてきたが、今回が東南アジアでは初めての開催となる。Xiaomiの国際副社長Hugo Barra氏はe27にこう述べた、「私たちのチームの全員にとってシンガポールでの(MiPop)初開催は本当に特別な日です。ここには非常に多くのファンがいらっしゃるので、ここの5倍の広さの会場でやっても満員になっていたでしょう。」
土曜日にSuntec City Convention Centreで開催されたこのイベントは前評判が高く、約300枚のチケットに約1600人が申し込んだほどで、Xiaomiはチケットの抽選を余儀なくされた。



Conyac で翻訳した結果

英語 → 日本語
金額 (スタンダード依頼の場合)
yyokoba yyokoba