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[英語からネイティブ ポルトガル語 (ブラジル)への翻訳依頼] The snow was already starting to fall on our arrival at the Chinzanso Hotel, ...

The snow was already starting to fall on our arrival at the Chinzanso Hotel, and we were happy to get in from the cold. We weren’t, however, expecting to walk in on Japan’s former capital.

But that was what was waiting for us at a reception hosted by the city of Kyoto last week. The “Kyo no Omotenashi” event was part of the “City of Kyoto: Kyoaruki in Tokyo 2014: Love Kyoto Weeks,” which are organized to introduce the city’s cultural heritage to Tokyo’s foreign community, including students and dozens of diplomats. The aesthetic and cultural traditions of Kyoto have captivated the attention of foreign visitors over the centuries,
leobulhoes さんによる翻訳
A neve já estava começando a cair na nossa chegada ao Hotel Chinzanso, e ficamos felizes de entrar e sair do frio. Entretanto, não estávamos com a expectativa de entrar na antiga capital japonesa.

Mas era isso que nos esperava em uma recepção oferecida pela cidade de Kyoto, na semana passada. O evento "Kyo no Omotenashi" fazia parte da "City of Kyoto: Kyoaruki in Tokyo 2014: Love Kyoto Weeks", que são organizados para apresentar o patrimônio cultural da cidade a comunidade estrangeira de Tóquio, incluindo estudantes e dezenas de diplomatas. As tradições estéticas e culturais de Kyoto têm cativado a atenção de visitantes estrangeiros ao longo dos séculos,

Conyac で翻訳した結果

英語 → ポルトガル語 (ブラジル)
金額 (スタンダード依頼の場合)
leobulhoes leobulhoes
I`m Leonardo Bulhoes, working as software developer. I really enjoy to learn ...