Faye is an undeveloped character, albeit beautifully played by Takal. Aunt and niece are not peers, but they are both adults now, and there is a comfort in family that is clear in the energy between them. The introduction of a young woman into Marie's world, a young woman just starting out on the path of the same career, seems like it would be ripe with opportunities for conflict. No conflict comes, leaving their interactions to sit there on the screen, flat and shallow. The most fascinating moment in the film is when Marie confesses to her niece that she misses looking forward to taking off her clothes when she is with a man for the first time, that now that she is older she gets nervous and insecure.
Marie says that when she was younger she felt that she, the woman, had the pressure to be "the engine that got the whole thing started", the object, and now that she doesn't have that anymore, she feels lost. It's an electric confession, honest and scary, suggesting a gigantic world of loss, the unnameable sadness of losing your sexual power.