J は几帳面で、いつも家の中を動き回り、おかしな所はないか調べている。家の中の動きに敏感で、しっかりと状況を把握していないと気がすまない。J にとっては家が大切で、家庭を管理する主婦であることが彼女の仕事。
When I call J, I heard "I was waiting for you. I am here." before I could see her. I felt an exciting, lively powerful energy. It is like moving around all the time. When I asked her "Can I talk to you now?", there was a reply saying "Sure.".
I called J then I could hear the words "I was waiting for you. I am here", before she appeared to my sight. She was full of life and energy as if bouncing and I felt vigorous powerful energy. Seems like she always moving around here and there. I asked "Can we have a talk now?" to her and she replied "Of course".
When calling J, before she appear I heard her voice "I've been waiting. I'm here." I feel that bouncing image and very strong energy. It is like always moving around here and there. When I asked her "Can I talk now?", she answered "Ofcourse."
紙製の買い物袋をもって帰宅した男性の映像。その人が犬用ではなく人間用に買ったお肉を一切れJにあげる映像と、Jの嬉しい感覚を受け取りました。(J の目からその男性は、メガネをかけていて、どちらかというと細身で背は高め、とても落ち着いていて優しい印象、Jを可愛がっておりJもその人が大好き、という感覚が伝わってきました。)
凧が飛んでいる映像。公園のような芝生のある場所でE と一緒に過ごしている光景を受け取りました。
The movie of a kite flying. I received the scene that J and E are spending time together at grassy area such as a park.
A image of kyte flying. I received a scene of J spending time with E in a place like a park with grasses around.
Image of kite flying. I recieved the image of staying with E in the lawn like park.