翻訳者レビュー ( 日本語 → 英語 )

評価: 50 / 0 Reviews / 2011/01/09 16:17:41

haru 50

J は几帳面で、いつも家の中を動き回り、おかしな所はないか調べている。家の中の動きに敏感で、しっかりと状況を把握していないと気がすまない。J にとっては家が大切で、家庭を管理する主婦であることが彼女の仕事。



J is precise so she always walk around inside of house and search whether there are anything weird or not. She is sensitive for changes of inside home and not able to satisfy without having clear grasp of circumstances. Home is important for J and being housewife who take care of household is her job.

I called J then I could hear the words "I was waiting for you. I am here", before she appeared to my sight. She was full of life and energy as if bouncing and I felt vigorous powerful energy. Seems like she always moving around here and there. I asked "Can we have a talk now?" to her and she replied "Of course".

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備考: アニマルコミュニケーションの内容です。J は犬(メス)、Eはクライアント(女性)です。