[英語から日本語への翻訳依頼] 彼もTarentumに行き、 Taurusの指揮する海軍を視察した。それからViboに行き歩兵隊を激励し艦隊の準備を急いだ。2度目のSicily侵攻の日は...

この英語から日本語への翻訳依頼は 3_yumie7 さん rimbaud さんの 2人の翻訳者によって翻訳され、合計 5件の翻訳が投稿されました。 依頼の原文の文字数は 2824文字

symeによる依頼 2013/03/28 02:47:37 閲覧 1086回
残り時間: 終了

He also went to Tarentum and inspected the naval force under Taurus. Then he proceeded to Vibo, where he encouraged his infantry and hastened the preparations of his fleet, the time for his second invasion of Sicily being near at hand.Pompeius however did not deign to seize even the fine opportunity presented to him by so many shipwrecks. He merely offered sacrifice to the sea, persuading himself that it was not without the special act of Providence that his enemies had been twice overwhelmed in this way in the summer months. It is said that he was so much puffed up by these circumstances that he exchanged the purple cloak for a dark blue one, to signify that he was the adopted son of Neptune.He hoped that

評価 60
翻訳 / 日本語
- 2013/03/28 06:08:07に投稿されました
彼もTarentumに行き、 Taurusの指揮する海軍を視察した。それからViboに行き歩兵隊を激励し艦隊の準備を急いだ。2度目のSicily侵攻の日は迫っていた。だがPompeiusはこれほど多くの船が難破して彼に絶交のチャンスが訪れているのに、そのチャンスをつかもうとしなかった。彼は海に捧げものをしたのみで、敵が2度にわたって夏の時期にこのように打ちのめされたのは神意の特別なお計らいでない訳ではないと自分に言い聞かせた。彼はこのような状況に余りにも得意になって自分がNeptuneの養子であることを示すため紫色のマントを紺青色のマントに替えたと言われている。彼は
評価 61
翻訳 / 日本語
- 2013/03/28 14:16:00に投稿されました

Octavian would now take himself off, but when he learned that the latter was building ships and was about to renew the expedition against him that summer, he became alarmed at finding himself at war with a man of such indomitable spirit and such formidable preparations. He sent Menodorus, with the seven ships he had brought, to reconnoitre the dockyards of Octavian and to do whatever damage he could. Menodorus had been vexed for some time past because the naval command had not been given to him, and he now perceived that he was entrusted with only the ships that he had brought, because he was under suspicion. So he plotted a new desertion.Conceiving that however matters might turn out, he should first signalize

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翻訳 / 日本語
- 2013/03/28 06:08:56に投稿されました

himself by some act of valor, he distributed among his companions all the gold he had, and crossed by a three days' rowing, accomplishing a distance of 1500 stades, and fell like a thunderbolt, unperceived, on the vessels that were guarding Octavian's shipyards, and disappeared carrying off the guard-ships by twos and threes, sinking also, or capturing, or burning the merchant vessels, laden with corn, that were moored there or sailing along the coast. Everything was thrown into confusion by this raid of Menodorus, both Octavian and Agrippa being absent, for Agrippa had gone away to procure timber. In a spirit of bravado Menodorus once ran his ship upon a sand-bank, voluntarily and contemptuously,

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翻訳 / 日本語
- 2013/03/28 06:09:36に投稿されました
武勇によって名を挙げねばならなかった。彼は同僚に持っていた全ての金を分け与え、1500スタジアの距離を3日間で漕ぎ切り、 Octavianの造船所を警備していた船に気づかれることなく晴天の霹靂のごとく急襲をかけ、警備船を2~3隻まとめて持ち去って消え、またそこに係留していたり海岸を航行してりしていたとうもろこしを積んだ商船を沈め、捕え、燃やした。 Agrippaが材木の調達に行っていたため、OctavianもAgrippaも留守で、この Menodorusの奇襲に何もかもが混乱に陥った。 Menodorusは威力を誇示するため、砂州の上を気ままに鼻であしらうような様子で航行し、

and pretended to be stuck in the mud, until his enemies dashed down from the mountains upon him as to a certain prey, when he backed away, and left them in amazement.When he had sufficiently shown what he was capable of, as enemy or friend, he dismissed a senator whom he had taken prisoner, named Rebilus, having a view already to the future. During his former desertion he had been a friend of Mindius Marcellus, one of the companions of Octavian, and he now told his own men that Mindius had the intention of betraying his party and deserting to that of Pompeius. Then he drew near to the enemy and invited Mindius to go with him to a small island in order to have a conference.

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翻訳 / 日本語
- 2013/03/28 06:11:12に投稿されました
ぬかるみにはまりこんで身動きがとれないふりをした。ついに敵が彼を犠牲にするため、山から突進してくると、彼は後退してみせ敵を驚かせた。彼は、敵として或いは友人として自分が有能であることをたっぷり見せつけてから、将来を見据えて、Rebilusという名の捕虜にしていた元老院議員を免訴した。以前の脱走の間、彼はOctavianの仲間の1人Mindius Marcellusの友人だった。彼は自分の部下に対し、Mindiusが味方を裏切ってPompeius側に脱走する意図をもっていると告げた。それから敵の方にだんだん近づいて行って、話し合いをするために共に小島に行こうとMindiusを誘った。





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