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[日本語からネイティブ 英語への翻訳依頼] ■ボーカルスクールの先生が教えるワンポイントアドバイス Q: お腹から声を出した方が良いと言われますが自分ではわからないのですが A: 穴を指でふさい...

Q: お腹から声を出した方が良いと言われますが自分ではわからないのですが
A: 穴を指でふさいで声を出さず、息を吐いて下さい

Q: ちゃんと腹式呼吸ができているか心配です
A: 鏡を見ながら練習する事をお勧めします
お腹に手をあて息を吸い込んだ時にふくらみ、吐くときにお腹がへこんでいれば上手に腹式呼吸ができていると言えます この時に肩、胸が動いていれば上手に腹式呼吸ができているとは言えません
Q: 息を吐<強さがわからないのですが‥・
A: 下記イラストを参照してください。

頬がふくらみすぎて痛い息を吐く力が強すぎるので少し弱く吐いてくださ   い。
息を吐く力が弱いか、□周りに力が入りすぎています。□周りに力が入りす  ぎているとのどを締めてしまいます。力をぬいてリラックスしてください。

・練習中に酸欠状態(頭がクラクラする)、めまいなどの症状があらわれた場合は直ち にご使用を中止してください。再度練習する場合は発声量(呼吸量)を抑えてく ださい。
・病気や障害のある方、また高齢者はご使用になる前に専門医にご相談くださ  い。
使用後は40°C以下のぬるま湯又は水で洗浄し乾燥させた後ケースに入れて保管してください。 STEP1■使用方法
(※息を吸い込む時にお腹に空気が入っていることを確認してください。) ④できる限り大きな声で「ウー」または「オー」と発声し、息が続くまで吐き出してください。1日に5~10回を目安に発声練習をしてください。
②写真3のように本品をくわえたまま、図1-Bの凹部に振動させた音  叉をあてると骨伝導により、頭のなかに音叉(ラ)の音が聞こえま   す。
③聞こえる音叉(ラ)の音にそって、STEP1の要領で発声練習を行って  ください。

●上記「音叉の使い方」を参照し、正常に音叉が振動している事を確認し てください。
●本体の一部に歯が接触しているかどうかを確認してください。歯に振 動が伝わり骨伝導する仕組みになっています。
●周囲の雑音が大きいと聞こえにくい場合がありますので、音叉を使う 場合は静かな場所で練習してください。
chanceofrain さんによる翻訳
■The Vocal Teacher taught by One-Point-Advice
Q: On your own, do you not know the best way to vocalize from exhaling from the stomach?
A: Block the holes with your fingers without vocalizing, exhale
The load of air will be sent to your stomach, and your belly will swell
When your belly is fully filled, remove your fingers and try exhaling.

Q: Are you worried about if you are using proper diaphragmatic breathing?
A: It is recommended that you practice in a mirror.
While placing your hand on your stomach, your true stomach will swell with a deep breath, and dent inward with an exhale.
Proper diaphragmatic breathing is not shown by the shoulder and chest moving upward.
Q: Do you know the intensity of your exhales and breath discharge?
A: Please refer to the illustration below.

With moderately puffy cheeks, relax the muscles to moderate your power.
Originate from.
Cheeks too swollen:
If your exhales are painful, and the force is too strong, please breathe a little bit weaker.
Cheeks not swollen at all:
Breath is too weak, or □ the force is dispersed incorrectly. □ Please relax, and focus your power by tightening the throat.
■ Precautions For Use
-If symptoms such as dizziness and/or oxygen deprivation occur (the feeling of your head spinning) during the practice, immediately discontinue use. Please minimize the vocalizations (respiration) in future practices.
• For people with illnesses, senior citizens, and people who may be sensitive, please consult a doctor or a specialist before use.
Since there is a possibility of damage, please do not bite into this product too strongly.
Please keep out of reach of small children.
■ How to Clean
Wash with lukewarm water below 40°C [104°F] and dry after use. Please store in the case when not in use.
STEP 1■ How to Use
① From the picture of the body in Figure 1, please confirm that the product is not upside down.
② In order to open the throat as shown in Figure 2, please place the tip of the tongue on the convex portion of Figure 1-A.
(※ Please keep that position during vocalization.)
③ For the correct position as shown in Figure 3, place your hand on your stomach, flare your nostrils, and inhale.
(* Be sure to inhale to the stomach. )
④, Say "Oh" or "Ou" in the loudest voice possible, and please continue to exhale breath for as long as possible. Please refer to guided vocal exercises for 5-10 times per day.
STEP 2 ■ Effective use (for advanced users)
Once you are accustomed to these exercises in STEP I, please do vocal exercises in addition to the body form as shown in Photo 2. As shown in STEP I, the more widely the throat is opened, the better voice you create.
STEP 3 ■ Vocal exercises with the use of a tuning fork
● Using the Tuning Fork
① With your finger on the part of the product as shown in figure 4-A, firmly strike the tuning fork, as shown in Figure 4-B, to cause a vibration.
※If you strike the tuning fork too weakly, or in places other than what is shown Figure 4-A, the tuning fork will not vibrate properly.
※ The tuning fork may change pitch if it is dirty or tarnished.
● Vocal Exercises Using a Tuning Fork
② The sound of a tuning fork is heard throughout the head via bone conduction, and shed out the mouth (lalala). The sound that remains, as shown in the third photo, was created in the vocal cavity, shown in Figure 1-B.
③ Along with tuning fork pitch exercises (lalala), please do vocal strength exercises as described in STEP 1.
If you cannot hear the sound of the tuning fork (lalala).
● Please make sure that the tuning fork is vibrating normally, as descibed above in, "Using the Tuning Fork".
● In bone conduction, sound vibration travels through the teeth and bones, so make sure your teeth are in contact with the body of the product.
● It may also be difficult to hear because of too much background noise, please practice in a quiet place when using a tuning fork.

Conyac で翻訳した結果

日本語 → 英語
金額 (スタンダード依頼の場合)
chanceofrain chanceofrain