[英語から日本語への翻訳依頼] 著作権 deviantARTは特に明記しない限り、同サービスとコンテンツのすべての著作権とデータに対する権利の所有者とする。deviantARTに作...

この英語から日本語への翻訳依頼は "法務" "利用規約" のトピックと関連があります。 3_yumie7 さん gloria さん tatsuoishimura さん oier9 さんの 4人の翻訳者によって翻訳され、合計 10件の翻訳が投稿されました。 依頼の原文の文字数は 3342文字 で、翻訳完了までにかかった時間は 12時間 39分 です。

igarashi0358による依頼 2013/02/11 22:17:40 閲覧 8736回
残り時間: 終了

4. Copyright

deviantART is, unless otherwise stated, the owner of all copyright and data rights in the Service and its contents. Individuals who have posted works to deviantART are either the copyright owners of the component parts of that work or are posting the work under license from a copyright owner or his or her agent or otherwise as permitted by law. You may not reproduce, distribute, publicly display or perform, or prepare derivative works based on any of the Content including any such works without the express, written consent of deviantART or the appropriate owner of copyright in such works. deviantART does not claim ownership rights in your works or other materials posted by you to deviantART

4. 著作権


(Your Content). You agree not to distribute any part of the Service other than Your Content in any medium other than as permitted in these Terms of Service or by use of functions on the Service provided by us. You agree not to alter or modify any part of the Service unless expressly permitted to do so by us or by use of functions on the Service provided by us.

19. Conduct
You agree to be subject to and to conduct yourself in accordance with the deviantART Etiquette Policy.You are responsible for all of Your Content you upload, download, and otherwise copy, distribute and display using the Service. You must have the legal right to copy, distribute and display all parts of any content that you upload,

(Your Content)。これらの利用規約によって許可されたものあるいは、我々によって提供されるServiceの機能を利用したものを除いた媒体におけるYour Content 以外のServiceのいかなる部分も配布しないことに、あなたは同意します。我々によって明示的な承諾をうけた場合あるいは、我々によって提供されたServiceの機能を使用する場合を除き、Serviceいかなる部分も改変、修正しないことに、あなたは同意します。

19. 行い
deviantART Etiquette Policyに従って行動することにあなたは同意します。Your Contentにアップロード、ダウンロード、ならびにService の利用によるコピー、配布、展示した全てに対して、あなたは責任を持ちます。あなたはアップロードするコンテンツの全ての部分のコピー、配布、展示する法的権利を所有します。

download and otherwise copy, distribute and display. Content provided to you by others, or made available through websites, magazines, books and other sources, are protected by copyright and should not be uploaded, downloaded, or otherwise copied, distributed or displayed without the consent of the copyright owner or as otherwise permitted by law. Please refer to deviantART's Copyright Policy for further details.

19A. Commercial Activities
Commercial activities mean the offering, solicitation or sale of goods or services by anyone other than deviantART. Commercial activities with respect to the arts are permitted for registered members acting as individuals,

詳しくはdeviantARTのCopyright Policyを参照してください。

19A. 商業活動

for small corporations or partnerships engaged primarily in art-related activities in which one or more of the principals is a registered member or for those seeking to retain the services or works of a registered member.
Commercial activities in the form of paid advertising on the Service are subject to the terms and conditions relating to the purchase of such advertising. No other commercial activities are permitted on or through the Service without deviantART's written approval.
Any interactions with members of the Service with respect to commercial activities including payment for and delivery of goods and/or services and any terms related to the commercial activities including conditions,

(訳注:依頼#3の最後の文"Commercial activities with respect to the arts are permitted for registered members acting as individuals, "が途中で切れているので、そこから訳しました)
(訳注:"Any interactions with...."で始まる最後の一文は途中で切れて次の依頼につながっており、切り離して訳せないので次の依頼に記入しました)

warranties or representations and so forth are solely between you and the other member. Paragraph 9, above, of these Terms of Service specifically applies with respect to commercial activities.

19B. Groups
As a registered member of the Service, you will also be able to participate as an administrator or member of a "Group" which is a set of user pages and applications formed for the purpose of collecting content, discussions and organizing members of the site with common interests. Further information about Groups can be found in our Etiquette Policy.


19B. グループ





  • Word、Excel、PowerPointなど様々なファイル形式に対応
  • 文字数の上限がなく、素早い納品
  • よりスキルの高い翻訳者が担当
