Eiko (gloria) Translations

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Almost 15 years ago
Japanese (Native) English Español Spanish(Latin America)
20 hours / week
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A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

What Developers Can Do: Keep it Awesome, Reduce CPI

Social games on Facebook are only just now finding ways to prolong the gameplay experience through expansions and sequels. Early examples of sequels like Playdom’s Mobsters 2 didn’t perform very well, as users seemed reluctant to migrate from an old app to a new one. As RockYou’s Zoo World 2 proves week after week in our rankings, however, developers can get around this complication by running the sequel in the same app ID as the original. Other games, like 6 Waves Lolapps’ Ravenwood Fair, are hoping to find success through franchise extension in new games rather than with direct sequels.



フェイスブック上のソーシャルゲームは今、展開と続編を通してゲームプレイ体験を長引かせる道を探しているだけだ。初期の例としてプレイダムのモンスター2のような続編は、ユーザーが旧アプリから新アプリに乗り換えるのを面倒に感じたためうまくいかなかった。ロックユーズ・ズー・ワールド2は毎週私たちのランキングで上昇しているが、開発者はオリジナルのゲームのものと同じアプリIDを続編でも使うことでこの困難を克服することができた。他のゲーム、例えば6waves Lolappsのレイブンウッド・フェアは、直接の続編よりもむしろ新ゲームとのフランチャイズ拡大により成功の道を見出そうとしている。

gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

Recognizing Bill's intelligence at an early age his parents placed him in a private school where he would be appropriately challenged. Bill first came into contact with computers at Lakeside Prep School. This event changed his life.
When the first personal computer , the Altair 8800 came out, Gates told the makers of the computer that they had developed an operating system for the Altair.
People liked using the Windows OS because it had a Graphical User Interface, allowing people with little or no computer experience to operate one quite easily.
Bill's OS has been instrumental in providing a global communication standard that bridges cultural and language barriers.



gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

EGG Photo360 Pack First enables you to create your own virtual tours in no more than a single shot! No additional fees, no keys, no plug-in to install.

EGG Photo 360 Pack First is composed of a lightweight and durable lens and a user-friendly software, which allows viewers to transform digital images into life-like, multimedia experiences available in EGG albums, Web pages, and e-mail tours. "Pan, tilt, links, and digital zoom" capabilities are built right into the software. EGG Solution Inc. provides the "EGG Photo360" pack to the public, non-professional photographers, and all companies wishing to develop their activities with new presentation applications.


