Eiko (gloria) Translations

5.0 77 reviews
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Almost 15 years ago
Japanese (Native) English Español Spanish(Latin America)
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20 hours / week
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A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

I m sorry the price we sell is wholesale price which is best we can do for now unless you buy 100+.
Thanks a lot!

The item will be sent out on Monday, we can send it as fast as you'd like, the shipping will be more expensive than the standard service

there is a case for it here. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Rip-Tide-Boulder-Creek-UH-C-Concert-Ukulele-Wood-Hard-Hardshell-Case-/360442015681?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item53ec04afc1 it can be shipped internationally with the uke!

I'm so sorry to inform you that this is not a phone, it is a case but is out of stock which is why, the price has been raised, so no one purchases it.




これのケースがあります。http://www.ebay.com/itm/Rip-Tide-Boulder-Creek-UH-C-Concert-Ukulele-Wood-Hard-Hardshell-Case-/360442015681?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item53ec04afc1 ウクレレと一緒に外国へ発送することもできます!


gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

If you cannot find your load in our ballistic tables, you can still use the bullet drop feature of the laser rangefinder. As
above, sight in your rifle at 100 yds. Then shoot the rifle, without adjusting the riflescope, at 300 yds. Measure the
bullet drop from the point of aim. Using this drop, select the ballistic group from below. If you will be shooting longer
distances then you may want to check the bullet drop at 500 yds. Because there is enormous variation in rifle barrels,
chambers, and hand loads, you should thoroughly test the ballistic setting before actual hunting. You may need to
move up or down one group depending upon your tests.



gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

You have a 300 WSM and are shooting the following Winchester brand load: 180 gr. Ballistic Silver Tip bullet at 3010
FPS muzzle velocity. This combination falls under Ballistic Group “F”. After setting the rangefinder to ballistic group
“F”, go to the range and sight in your riflescope at 100 yards. If you then take a shot at a target at 317 yds, the bullet
drop will be 9 inches. If the shot is at angle of 27 degrees upward, then the corrected bullet drop will be 8 inches.

While we have taken great care to include as many calibers and brand names in our ballistics tables, new loads are
always being developed. In addition, some shooters load their own ammunition with unique ballistic characteristics.


あなたが300WSMを持っており次のウィンチェスターブランドのロードを持っているとしましょう:180 gr. シルバーチップ弾(3010ヤード)銃口スピード。この組み合わせは弾道グループ"F"に該当します。距離計を弾道グループ"F"に設定したら、100ヤードでのライフルスコープで距離と視程を決めましょう。そして317ヤードのターゲットを撃つと、着弾は9インチになります。ショットが上方27度の場合、補正後の着弾は8インチになります。


gloria English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

After you have determined which ballistic group corresponds to your caliber and load, select this ballistic group
(See MENU SETUP above). The internal formula will determine amount of bullet drop/holdover in inches or
centimeters based upon distance, angle, and ballistics of your caliber and load.
This state-of-the-art digital technology allows the hunter or shooter to know precisely where to hold for an effective
shot. This information should be treated as a helpful guide or tool and in no way should it ever replace practice and
familiarity with your rifle, cartridge and load. We encourage practice shooting at different ranges so you know how
your rifle, cartridge and load will perform under various conditions



gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

Bushnell engineers have worked with Sierra® Bullets’ ballistic programs and grouped many of the most popular calibers
and loads into eight ballistic groups (A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H). Once you know what caliber and load you are shooting
simply look through the chart to determine which one of the eight ballistic groups match with your particular load
and caliber. For Muzzleloaders, we have worked with PowerBelt Bullets to incorporate ballistic data into two ballistic
groups (I and J).
Federal Cartridge.224 dia. 22-250 Rem, 55 gr. Bear Claw at 3600 fps G
Federal Cartridge.224 dia. 22-250 Rem, 60 gr. Partition at 3500 fps F


フェデラルカートリッジ.224 dia. 22-250 Rem, 55 gr. 熊の鉤爪型 (3600 フィートで) G
フェデラルカートリッジ.224 dia. 22-250 Rem, 60 gr. パーティション (3500 フィートで) F

gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

The “IN” icon (i.e. inches) will light next to the bullet drop
numeric display, if the unit of measure is set to Yards (Y). If the unit of measure is set to Meters (M), the bullet drop
will be calculated and displayed in centimeters and the “IN” icon will be turned off. If the bullet drop / hold over reads
“ ,” this means the compensated distance is beyond what can be displayed, and or beyond ballistic calculations and
user will need to hold low
This mode does not provide any degree of elevation or compensated distance, but instead, line of sight distance only
The will still appear below the line of sight numeric display, but there will not be any information displayed in this
2ndly numeric display



gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

Line of sight is 376 yards, angle is -33 degrees, and the bullet-drop/holdover is 28 inches. ARC not only takes into
account ballistic data based off your caliber and load from distances of 100-800 yards, but also compensates for any
uphill and downhill angles which also affect bullet-drop.
Line of Sight = 376 Yards
Holdover/Bulletdrop =
28 Inches
Line of Sight = 376 Yards
Degree of Angle = -33°18
If in RIFLE mode, the ballistic group will be displayed in the bullet drop numeric field anytime that the primary
numeric display is showing dashes (i.e. no target acquired). When a target is acquired in RIFLE mode, the line of sight
distance will display in the secondary numeric displays

