yyokoba Translations

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Over 11 years ago
United States
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
yyokoba English → Japanese
Original Text

The market just for mobile content in Japan in 2012 was still bigger on feature phones (US$5 billion), but it contracted by 27% when compared to a year before.

That difference was overcompensated by the respective market on smartphones, which grew 4.6-fold year-on-year to reach US$3.8 billion:

What about games inside this mobile content market?

The size of the market for gaming on feature phones in Japan in 2012 reached around US$2.4 billion: roughly US$2 billion for social games, and another US$410 million for mobile games (titles that are not distributed through social gaming networks like GREE or Mobage).

Observe how both sub-segments shrank year-on-year on feature phones:





2012年の日本のフィーチャーフォンのゲーム市場規模は約24億米ドルに達した: 約20億米ドルがソーシャルゲームで、さらに4億1000万米ドルがモバイルゲームである(GREEやMobageといったソーシャルゲームネットワークで流通されていないタイトル)。


yyokoba English → Japanese
Original Text

iPad 5, Possible Retina iPad Mini Rear Shells Leak

Can’t wait to see what Apple has in store for us with the iPad 5? Here’s what it will likely look like… face down!

We begin Monday morning once again with yet another Far East parts leak, this time of the purported back casing of Apple’s fifth-generation iPad.

We’ve seen this part before. Way back in January, the first iPad 5 rear shell popped up, and we’ve seen new leaks every month or two since then. Unless this is a scam of epic proportions, Apple has been serious about this design for at least the last eight months.

With the iPad 5, evidence is mounting that Cupertino intends to follow the lead set by the iPad mini, and slim down the 9.7-inch tablet.


iPad 5とRetina iPad Miniのものかもしれない背面シェルのリーク

アップルがiPad 5で私たちに何をもたらしてくれるのか待ちきれませんか? これがその外見です… 裏からのですが!


このパーツは見たことがあります。ずっと前の1月に最初のiPad 5の背面ケースが登場した後、1、2ヶ月ごとに新しいリークをみてきています。これが壮大な詐欺でもない限り、アップルは少なくとも過去8ヶ月間、このデザインについて真剣であったといえます。

iPad 5については、クパーチーノはiPad miniに習い、9.7インチタブレットをスリム化する方向だという証拠が固まりつつあります。

yyokoba English → Japanese
Original Text

As Mashable notes, the experimental project has two settings. The translation mode prompts the Kinect to convert sign language into text or speech whether they’re single words and entire sentences. There’s also the communication mode that uses an avatar to convert text or speech input into sign for a hearing-impaired person to view.

The program manager at Beijing-based Microsoft Research Asia, Wu Guobin, notes, “While it is still a research project, we ultimately hope this work can provide a daily interaction tool to bridge the gap between the hearing and the deaf and hard of hearing in the near future.”

Here’s the demo video:



北京にあるMicrosoft Research AsiaのプロジェクトマネージャーのWu Guobin氏は「これはまだ研究プロジェクトですが、我々は最終的に健常者と聴覚障害者や耳が遠い人たちの間の溝を埋めるための日常的ふれあいのためのツールを近い将来提供できればと願っています。」と述べる。


yyokoba English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

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もし口座情報をお確かめになった後、お客様の口座アクセスに関してさらなる説明が必要な場合、Help Centerから「Contact Us」をクリックしてPayPayにご連絡ください。



yyokoba English → Japanese
Original Text

As part of our security measures, we regularly screen activity in the PayPal
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We requested information from you for the following reason:
A recent review of your account determined that we require some additional
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Case ID Number: PP-832-781-957

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ケースID番号: PP-832-781-957

