Aya (yay-panda) Translations

ID Verified
Over 10 years ago Female 30s
Japanese (Native) English German
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
yay-panda English → Japanese
Original Text

I am going to be placing my orders for them today or tomorrow so I am trying to get a idea of how many I will be needing.. I still have about 15 of the 300's in Onyx/Black and 15 of the 300 Ruby Red that I am also selling at a discount if you need any of them. I am trying to get a idea of what my different buyers like yourself will be buying the next few months of vitamix so that I can maximize my orders with vitamix. My sales of Dyson have really gone up so trying to balance my inventory. We have been adding several new vendors to our lineup and we now have the following as well.

Let me know about what you think on the containers as well as what your volume in the next few months should be like with Vitamix .


今日、明日中に発注するつもりです。発注するにあたって、いくつ位必要となるか見当をつけている次第です。Onyx/Black 300番台を15個がまだ手元にある他に、300 Ruby Red 15個も必要であれば割引価格で販売する予定です。vitamix社と最大限に取り引きするために、今後2、3ヶ月以内に、あなたを含めたバイヤー達がどの程度、製品を購入する予定があるか知りたいです。Dyson社の売り上げがかなり向上したので、他社商品とのバランスを計っています。また、新らしく、数社との契約し、製品を扱い始めました。


yay-panda English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

We have many good things in line for this spring and summer and I hope we can continue doing business. Again I apologize for this past order and ask your acceptance. Thank you again.

I apologize for the delay. Due to lack of staff and holiday time here, I have been so busy I have neglected my good customers and I sincerely apologize for this. I will refund your original order and by tomorrow have a list of items available for immediate sale. We have back at full staff so there wont be anymore delays. Thank you for your patience and I apologize for this delay




yay-panda English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

Item never arrived. Plus I was expected to pay £26 on top of price by customs...to be fair seller did offer to pay .but I cancelled the order before it arrived..Doubt I will order from abroad again

They are courteous and they reply to my queries, however I'm still waiting for the delivery. It's been 3 weeks since the item was dispatched and the tracking number provided still can't be recognized by the courier. No tracking info here on Amazon, had to ask for it. 2/5 as it's not entirely seller's fault (they apparently dispatched it,) but they are responsible for choosing a reliable carrier.

i didnt get it till now


商品が届かなかった上に、関税として別途 £26を支払うように請求されました。公平な売り手なら、売り手が支払いを申し出てくれるでしょう。私は商品が届く前に注文をキャンセルしました。今後、海外発送の注文をすることは無いでしょう。

