yasaka Translations

ID Unverified
Over 12 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
yasaka English → Japanese
Original Text

131ct Meteorite Campo Del Cielo Natural Rough Specimen from Argentina

Meteorites are fragments of iron and rock from outer space that have fallen to the Earth and are extremely rare. Campo del Cielo is Spanish for "Field of Heaven" and it is an appropriate name. Campo meteorites fell from the sky into the province of Gran Chaco in Argentina long before the beginning of recorded history. First discovered in 1576, Campo del Cielo is one of the oldest known meteorite finds.
The pleasing aesthetic shapes of meteorites are said to have "good character" and to be "sculptural". Sculptural meteorites are natural works of art forged by the elements and the power of physics.


131カラットの隕石カンポ・デル・シエロ - アルゼンチンからやって来た天然のでこぼこ標本

隕石とは宇宙から地球に落ちてきた鉄や岩のかけらで、大変希少なものです。カンポ・デル・シエロとは「天国の野原」を意味するスペイン語で、この隕石にふさわしい名前になっています。カンポ・デル・シエロは、有史以前にアルゼンチンのGran Chaco州に落下してきました。1576年に初めて発見されたカンポ・デル・シエロは、これまでに知られている隕石の中でも最も古いものに属します。

yasaka English → Japanese
Original Text

They are the remnants of long-dead worlds and are genuine travelers from deep space.

Pair Baccarat Crystal Vega Clear Flutissimo Flutes (Set of 2) In Original Box NR

Fresh from a Maine estate is this beautiful pair of Baccarat Vega Clear Flutissimo full-lead crystal champagne flutes. The measure 11 1/4" tall. Two separate glasses in their original padded Baccarat box. MSRP for the pair is $450.00. OFFERED WITH NO RESERVE. Insurance may be added to your total. Thanks for bidding!!
I GLADLY COMBINE SHIPPING ON MULTIPLE PURCHASES WHEN POSSIBLE. 100% Customer Satisfaction Guarantee To Be As Described Or Your Money Back!



バカラ ベガ フルティッシモ ペアシャンパングラス クリアー(2個セット) オリジナルボックスつき 最低落札価格なし

Maineエステートからの新作/新着は美しいバカラのベガシリーズ、フルティッシモのフルリード透明クリスタルシャンパングラス2個セットです。寸法は高さ11 1/4インチです。2つのグラスは当て物をしたバカラオリジナルの化粧箱に別々に入れられています。メーカー希望小売価格はセットで450ドルです。最低落札価格はありません。保険料を価格に上乗せできます。よろしくお願いいたします!!

yasaka English → Japanese
Original Text

3. BlueCross BlueShield of Minnesota’s Human Doing

What better way to illustrate the plight of the common man than an actual common man? That was the thinking behind a BlueCross BlueShield of Minnesota program last year that put Scott Jorgenson, a St. Paul resident, in a glass apartment in the Mall of America for a month. To demonstrate the recuperative effects of exercise, Jorgenson was put on a workout routine for the month that compelled him to exercise three to five times a day, in 10-minute spurts. In a social media twist, Twitter and Facebook followers dictated the type of exercise for each session.


3.ブルークロス・ブルーシールドの「Human Doing」

普通の人の様子を説明するのに、実際に普通の人を見せる以上の方法があるだろうか?これは、ミネソタ州のブルークロス・ブルーシールド(アメリカの地域医療保険会社)がセントポール在住のScott Jorgensonさんを1ヶ月間アメリカの公園広場内のガラス張りのアパートに住まわせる企画の背景にある考えだ。Jorgensonさんはエクササイズの回復効果を実演するため、1日に3回から5回、10分間集中的にエクササイズを行うトレーニングを1ヶ月間、日課として課せられた。ソーシャルメディア展開では、セッションごとのエクササイズの内容はTwitterとfacebookのフォロワーによって決められていた。

yasaka English → Japanese
Original Text

4. GranataPet’s Foursquare-Enabled Billboard

Pet food brand GranataPet earned worldwide attention last year for its billboard in Agenta, Germany. This wasn’t just any billboard, though. It was rigged so that if a consumer checked in on Foursquare, the billboard would dispense some of the company’s dog food. Someone from Granata’s ad agency filmed the billboard in action, and the video now has more than 50,000 views on YouTube (in various iterations.)

What you can learn from this: In the social media age, a single ad or a single billboard can generate images, press and videos, but only if it’s clever enough.





yasaka English → Japanese
Original Text

5. Reinert Sausages’s Wurst-Face App

Another German brand, Reinert Sausages, transcended its roots with a clever Facebook app that let users upload their photo and receive a “Wurst Face,” a graven image of themselves in cold cuts. The name “Wurst Face” comes from the extra piece of sausage that kids get for free at the butcher.

What you can learn from this: If you can create an app that’s social, fun and brand-appropriate, it will function more effectively than even a high-budget ad campaign.

More Small Business Resources From OPEN Forum:

- The Quick and Dirty Guide to Tumblr for Small Business
- Community Managers Share Best Productivity Apps and Tools
- 5 Tips For Using LinkedIn’s Mobile Site


5.Reinert SausagesのWurst-Face(ソーセージ顔)アプリ

ドイツのブランドがもう一つ、Reinert Sausages社はユーザのアップロードした写真を薄切りの冷製ソーセージに焼き付けたように加工して返す気の利いたフェイスブックアプリ「Wurst Face」で従来のブランドイメージを覆した。Wurst Faceという名前は、肉屋で子供達が無料で食べられる余りもののソーセージから来ている。



yasaka English → Japanese
Original Text

Using an infrared beam to detect when the flies nodded off, they discovered those with the variant slept for an average of just 317 minutes a day instead of the typical amount of 927 minutes. The mutant flies also snoozed for shorter periods, and slept and woke more frequently.
Dr Stavropoulos said: "The results showed a dramatic loss of both the duration of the flies' sleep and their ability to remain asleep after they dozed off.
"But what's especially interesting is the insomniac gene may function through homeostatic mechanisms.
"These are distinct from the well-studied circadian clock pathways linked to sleep, and have an effect on the body regardless of the time of day."



yasaka English → Japanese
Original Text

The scientists believe the gene works by eliminating specific proteins within brain cells that help in the onset of sleep.
The researchers also found flies with mutations lived only about two thirds as long as others.
But when the scientists eliminated the gene from neurons - allowing it to remain in the rest of the flies' bodies - this disparity was eliminated. The resulting animals slept poorly but lived just as long.
Dr Stavropoulos said: "This suggests reduced sleep can be 'uncoupled' from reduced lifespan, supporting the idea some disruptions of sleep do not effect overall health, at least as far as lifespan is concerned."

