yakuok (yakuok) Translations

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About 13 years ago
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A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
yakuok English → Japanese ★★☆☆☆ 2.4
Original Text

I am sorry for the damage. My buddy who packs things for me is a fantastic packer if you check my feedback you will see but sometimes no matter how well it is packed it gets misshandled. I did not see him pack this one but does it look like there was sufficient packaging? We will have to file a claim with Fedex so please keep all the packaging materials and if you could take some pictures of the damage and the packaging to submit to Fedex. Do you want to get it fixed and if so do you know how much? Again I am sorry for the problems and hassle and hope we can get this taken care of as quickly as possible.



yakuok English → Japanese
Original Text

Teruhide Sato (Chairman of Netprice Group) in his keynote presentation on Sparxup 2012 predicted that the Indonesia Internet Market will mature in 2018, while Boston Consulting Group, McKinsey, Daily Social Research and Veritrans Indonesia estimated that the size of internet economy in Indonesia will grow three fold in 2016 (relative to 2012).

Akamai and McKinsey on their report estimate that broadband penetration growth in Indonesia is about 20% annually.

Supported by robust economic growth (GDP growth rate is 6% Year on Year), increase of purchasing power, and improvement of broadband infrastructure, we predict that the size of internet economy will grow threefold over the next 4-5 years.


佐藤輝英(ネットプライスグループ取締役)は、Sparxup 2012での彼の基調演説内で、インドネシアのインターネット市場は2018年には完成されたものになるだろうとの推論を述べ、Boston Consulting Group、マッキンゼー、Disney Social Research、そしてVeritrans Indonesiaは、インドネシアのインターネット経済の規模は(2012年と相対して)2016年には3倍にまで成長するだろうとの予測を立てた。



yakuok English → Japanese ★★☆☆☆ 2.0
Original Text

So the game plan for most companies launching chat apps seems clear to me: Build a huge user base and social graph, open up the platform, create applications/plug-ins, and monetize. So for DeNA, it might just slot in mobile games onto Comm (just like KakaoTalk) since that is its core money machine.

That future has already been highlighted by WeChat, LINE, and KakaoTalk. Though they are focusing on user growth rather than monetization, they’re building out broader mobile platforms. For example, in Korea, the top Android games in the country are increasingly ones that integrate with KakaoTalk’s social gaming features.


大規模なユーザー基盤とソーシャルグラフを築き上げ、プラットフォームを開設し、アプリやプラグインを作成し、課金化する、という戦略だ。これはDeNAにとっては、利益を計上する上で最も重要な部分であり(Kakao Talk同様)Commにモバイルゲームを割り込ませるだけのことなのだろう。

既にWeChat、LINE、そしてKakao Talkがその未来を明示している。これらの企業は課金化よりもユーザー数の増加に焦点を置いてはいるものの、モバイルプラットフォームの規模をより拡大させていっている。例えば韓国では、国内で上位を占めるAndroidゲームは、Kakao Talkのソーシャルゲーミング機能が組み込まれたゲームである傾向が強い。

yakuok English → Japanese
Original Text

Most of the heads come from my contacts at true temper sports

OK, please pay on the 5th and we are good. I have some R11s and RBZ T serial number drivers that will sell well in Japan. Your price $350 per head. I have 9 and 10.5 I will let you know when I get more items./

Also have some of the R11s 425 cc heads as well as $400 very rare.

Also, I may be able to get some taylor made r11j drivers t serial numbers if you are interested? $400 if interested let me know and I will see how many I can get.

Ok. let me compile some information and I will be with you shortly.


ほとんどのヘッドはTrue Temper Sportsの私の知人からのものです。

はい、では5日までにお支払い頂ければと思います。日本で人気のR11とRBZ Tシリアルナンバードライバーもいくつかあります。貴方のオファー価格はヘッド1本につき350ドルですね。当方、9と10.5がありますが、さらに新たな製品が入荷次第またお知らせします。

また、R11 425ccヘッドととても珍しい400ドルのヘッドもあります。

さらに、テイラーメイドのr11jドライバー tシリアルナンバーも入荷可能かもしれないのですが、いかがでしょう?もしご要望でしたら、400ドルにてお譲りしますのでお知らせください。その後何本入荷可能か確認致します。


yakuok English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

I've checked the ASIN you have provided and see that both the products are same but the difference is in the product dimensions.

16.5 x 4 x 12.8 inches.

: the product dimensions are 15.3 x 4.4 x 13 inches.

The above mentioned is the difference between both products.

Further, If you have any inquiries please request a call from our Customer Service department. Here's how:

1. Visit www.amazon.com/help

2. Click the "Contact Us" button in the Customer Service box on the right side of the page.

3. Click the "Skip sign in" button.

4. Click the "Phone" tab and enter your phone number in the window that pops up.

5. Choose a time frame ("Right Now" or "In 5 minutes") and click "Submit." We'll call you right back



16.5 x 4 x 12.8 インチ(約41.91 x10.16 x 32.51センチ)

15.3 x 4.4 x 13 インチ(約38.86 x 11.18 x 33.02センチ)



1.www.amazon.com/help にアクセスしてください。

2.ページ右にあるカスタマーサービスのボックス内の「Contact Us(お問い合わせ)」ボタンをクリックしてください。

3.「Skip sign in(サインインをスキップする)」のボタンをクリックしてください。



yakuok English → Japanese
Original Text

5 Companies With Inbound Marketing Strategies That Work

David Klein is the co-founder of Orange Line, Australia’s leading strategic inbound marketing consultancy. Read more about David and the team on the Orange Line blog. Follow him @davidaklein or on Google+.

Some companies seem to have an innate sense of just what it takes to attract a market. Or, perhaps it only appears that way. For most companies, it’s more likely that they learn through trial and error, research, and testing until they get it right.

The following five companies have each developed inbound marketing strategies that truly work. Here’s what those look like.



David Kleinは、オーストラリアの戦略的インバウンド・マーケティングコンサルタント企業大手のOrange Lineの共同創始者だ。Davidと当企業のチームについての更なる情報は、Orange Lineのブログで確認できる。@davidaklein、もしくはGoogle+で彼にフォローすることができる。

