yakuok (yakuok) Translations

5.0 1 reviews
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Over 13 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
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A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
yakuok English → Japanese
Original Text

I have just got off the phone with FEDEX. There are several problems.

1. As you are aware, and have known since before I made this purchase, I am Canadian. I do not have a US tax ID, nor do I have a US SSN. The watch is stuck with FEDEX customs until you can come up with someone to act as the importer of this high value watch to the USA.

2. You declared the strap as alligator, despite the fact the Omega site states that it is leather. US Fish and Wildlife is now involved and has to inspect it.

There are 2 possible solutions here:



1.あなたはすでにお気づきでしょうし、私が本注文を行う前からご存じだったとは思いますが、私はカナダ人です。よって私はアメリカのTax IDなるものを持っておらず、アメリカのSSNも持っておりません。現在時計はFEDEXの税関で保留されており、この高価な時計をアメリカへ輸入してもらえる代理人をあなたに探して頂けるまで保留されたままの状態になります。



yakuok English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

1. You find someone in the USA to act as the importer, today, such that FEDEX can get the watch to Plentywood by saturday. Extra fees for expedited shipping can be paid by you. An alternative to this is you arrange, and take care of ALL costs to have it shipped to Canada.

2. You can refund me the 7200$. I still would very much like to buy the watch for Megan, but it will have to be done more efficiently that this.

I have contacted amazon, but have not left any negative feedback online. I will begin leaving very negative feedback in all possible avenues tomorrow if I have not heard from you and heard a satisfactory resolution

I see that your feedback so far has been very positive, I hope you can make this right






yakuok English → Japanese ★★★☆☆ 3.0
Original Text

Once you have the amount given to you by your credit card company, please reply to this e-mail with the amount of the authorization that was placed upon your card and we will be able to approve and ship your order right away. The random authorization will also be deleted at this time. (If your credit card account is not in USD please indicate the currency of your account.)

This random authorization amount is something that only the holder of the card would be able to gain access to.For this reason it is the most secure way to verify your identity and protect the integrity of your credit card. This is also a very simple process and is designed to cause you as little inconvenience as possible.




yakuok English → Japanese
Original Text

For this reason it is the most secure way to verify your identity and protect the integrity of your credit card. This is also a very simple process and is designed to cause you as little inconvenience as possible.

Your order has been placed on hold until we are able to hear from you. If we do not hear from you within 2 business days, your order will be canceled and the random authorization and the authorization for your order will be deleted and the funds returned to your account.

Please e-mail our verification team (verification@mrwatch.com) the amount of the authorization under $2.00. If your credit card account is not in USD please indicate the currency of your account.





yakuok English → Japanese
Original Text

Account reviews are intended to ensure the timely shipment of orders and compliance with our selling policies. Please continue to fulfill orders and list only items that you are able to ship by the Expected Ship Date.

You can help with the review process by sending us more information about your business. To do so, click the “Appeal” button next to this notice on the Notifications page in the Performance section of your Seller Central account

To learn more about account reviews, search “Velocity Limits and Account Reviews” in Seller Central Help.



お客様のビジネス状況を私共にお知らせ頂く事で、審査をよりスムーズに行うことも可能です。お客様のビジネス状況をお知らせ頂くには、Seller Central(セラーセントラル)アカウントのPerformance(パフォーマンス)セクションから、Notifications(通知)ページを開き、本通知横の”Appeal”ボタンを押して行って下さい。

アカウント審査に関しましてのさらなる情報は、Seller Central Help(セラーセントラルヘルプ)ページの“Velocity Limits and Account Reviews”(ベロシティリミット&アカウントレビュー)をご参照ください。