yakuok (yakuok) Translations

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A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
yakuok English → Japanese
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All of these resources have proved to be vital in the face of the fractured Thai government’s poor messaging during the crisis. Prime Minster Yingluck Shinawatra has a Twitter account and Facebook page as does Bangkok Governor MR Sukhumbhand Paribatra (here and here). But as the two leaders hail from rival political parties, they’ve clashed often over flood management and sometimes used social media for promotional photo ops and “listen to me only” statements rather than real information.

Despite the poor showing from the politicians, it has been fascinating to watch how ordinary people have used social media to communicate and survive through Thailand’s worst flooding in decades.


危機最中に発された崩壊しつつあるタイ政府の粗末なメッセージをうけ、これら全ての情報源は非常に重要なものとされる。Yingluck Shinawatra首相とバンコク知事のMR Sukhumbhand Paribatra(こちらとこちら)は、それぞれTwitterアカウントとFacebookページを持っている。しかし、この2名のリーダーは、敵対する2つの政党出身で、洪水管理対策においてしばしばぶつかってきており、時にソーシャルメディアを利用し、リアルな情報よりも宣伝的なフォトオペレーションと、「私だけを信用して」といった声明を表したりしていた。


yakuok English → Japanese
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ChinaStars, Turning Students into Entrepreneurial Stars

There are a growing number of incubators, accelerators and programs designed to help propel start-ups to success. There is Innovation Works, YuenfenFlow, Start-up Leadership Program in Beijing; China Accelerator in Dalian, TiSiWi in Hangzhou. All are trying to emulate the success of their U.S counterparts like Y Combinator and TechStars to produce billion dollar companies like Airbnb or Dropbox.

Trilogy Ventures launches ChinaStars

A new kid on the block called ChinaStars is entering the mix. Led by Steven Bell of Trilogy Ventures, ChinaStars is transposing itsmodel of focusing on top students from top Chinese universities into an acceleration program.



インキュベーター、アクセレレーター、そしてスタートアップを成功の道へと推進させるようデザインされたプログラムは、増加の傾向にある。Innovation Works、YuenfenFlow、北京のスタートアップリーダーシッププログラムで大連にあるChina Accelerator、杭州のTiSiWiなどがそうである。これら全ては、米国のY CombinatorやTechStarsなどが成し遂げた成功に対抗するべく労力を注いでおり、10億ドルもの価値を持つAirbnbやDropboxのような企業を築き上げることを目指している。

Trilogy Ventures、ChinaStarsの事業開始

ChinaStarsと呼ばれる新顔が本分野内の競争に参戦した。Trilogy VenturesのSteven Bell氏率いるこのChinaStarsは、中国主要大学の主席の学生に注目するという方法をアクセレレーションプログラムに取り入れている。

yakuok English → Japanese
Original Text

This is a move away from Trilogy’s typical university campus visits to find students entrepreneurs. The difference between Trilogy’s approach and other investors, is that they go the the super early stage – university students. It’s harder to get more early stage unless they target 10 year old kids!

72 crazy hours of hacking, 90 days of hustling

Firstly ChinaStars holds a crazy energy charged 72 hour hackathon to build a demo of a super cool social mobile app on the exponentially growing Weibo platform. Following the hackathon, the most promising teams will be invited to enter a 90 day acceleration program with 24,000 RMB and mentor support to help them focus on cranking out a killer app.





yakuok English → Japanese
Original Text

Not only are they meant to build the app, they need to attract users and mindshare. At the end of 90 days, ChinaStars will hold a demo day and invite a group of investors to potentially fund the best teams.

Beijing and Shanghai shoot for the stars (Shanghai hackathon is tomorrow!)

The Beijing hackathon was held on October 21st and Melody He of Trilogy Ventures said they were “blown away by their innovative ideas and ability to execute!” Six teams were selected to enter the 90 Day phase. Shanghai students will get their turn to impress tomorrow at Shanghai Jiaotong University Training Center. To check out the format of the hackathon, read here.




北京のハッキングマラソンは10月21日に開催されたが、Trilogy VenturesのMelody He女史は、「学生達の斬新なアイディアと実行能力に驚かされた」と述べている。6つのチームは90日マラソンの参加チームとして選ばれた。明日上海交通大学トレーニングセンターにて開催されるマラソンでは、上海の学生達が皆に感銘を与える番だ。ハッキングマラソンの形式についてはこちらから。

yakuok English → Japanese
Original Text

Vintage francie doll and clothes lot, includes 3 dolls first is an ooak red swirl francie on tnt body great wearing growing hair dress, next is brunette francie wearing a sylvia campbell ooak japanese style bridesmaid set excellent shape and a malibu francie wearing silkstone francie outfit no bites chews or broekn limbs on any of the dolls, no green ear or neck splits , clothes include a couple of ooak outfits for francie and vintage shoes and malibu sun glasses also a vintage barbie wrist tag repo casey earrings stockings etc nice lot of odds and ends.

