Violet (violet) Translations

ID Unverified
Over 12 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
violet English → Japanese
Original Text

We have been trying to contact you at (xxx) xxx-xxxx, but the line is always busy. The item can be shipped to you from Dean Dill and the item and will show up as Intimate Miracles/Dean Dill on your credit card statement...
However, there is a concern because of the telephone, and we have not worked with you before, finance is asking for additional details. I'm sincerely sorry about this - as I work in marketing and I get frustrated with finance, but I also understand due to the high level of credit card fraud certain steps are required.
Do you have any references for other magicians that I could use to help in this matter? If you are still interested in the item I can send you a credit card authorization form.


あなたとお話がしたくて(xxx) xxx-xxxxの電話番号に何度かかけているのですが、いつも通話中のようです。商品はDean Dillから発送することができ、クレジットカードの請求書には Intimate Miracles/Dean Dillと表記されると思います。

violet English → Japanese
Original Text

With many of the companies with which we work we use to make forecasts even for all the year and, of course, this is part of our job.

BUT, no one of these companies asks us for a fixed order for all the year!

We pay to [] an annual fee to be proud to be distributor in our Country.

Our prices are always higher enough to impede us to be competitive compare to German Countries.

In Italy we can’t see all over an important region like South Tyrol, because these customers can easily receive the goods from Austria and Germany with a lower prices.

Now you ask us to make order in advance for all the year. Should we have some economic advantage?





violet English → Japanese
Original Text

International Silver does now own this brand. According to what I find, Chalfonte came into existence in 1926. It's possible that was based on an earlier pattern made by Wm Rogers.

According to my reference books, the star and eagle along with the name of Wm Rogers were used at least until 1895. It was licensed to Simpson, Hall, Miller & Co. to use until 1895. At that time, it was used on silver plate pieces. Earlier in its life, it had been used on coin silver pieces.

You may want to take this set by an estate silver shop or high end auction house to see which construction it is. If it's silver plate, its value is not great. Coin silver could be more valuable because of the silver content and historical value.


インターナショナルシルバーは今では独自のブランドになっています。Chalfonteは1926年から存在しているようです。Wm Rogersの作ったパターンに基づいているのでしょう。

参考文献によると、Wm Rogersの作ったとされる星やわしのパターンは1895年ごろまでは使われていたようです。
これらは1895年まで Simpson, Hall, Miller & Co.に使用許可がありました。そのころ、銀のプレートに使われていました。初期はコインの銀に使われてきました。
