Thank you for your message.As for the shipment, I'll ask my partner as he can ship to Japan for about $50 with insurance.I'm desperate to introduce your nailclipper in Japan as soon as I can.My business partners have asked me to sell your nailclippers urgently (grin).When I showed your nailclipper to my business associates the other day, they were amazedhow cool and easy to use they are!By the way, when will the new package be ready? Please let me know.I'd love to close a contract with you as soon as possible.Looking forward to hearing from you.
Dear 张剑迅速な返信有難う御座います。それら全てをまとめて1040ドルのところを、1000ドルにしていただくことは可能でしょうか?よろしくお願いいたします。岡本
Dear 张剑Thank you for your immediate reply.Is it possible for you to make it to $1000, in stead of the grand total of$1040?Best Regards,Okamoto
All the same, we can be a bit more definite than that. We can design special places for the Core, though it is of course impossible in our present time of rapid change to be certain that these are the places that will continue to develop in the future. In Holland we have been planning an area that will eventually house 10,000 people. We are starting with the small Cores, and will after· wards make the central one. Are you sure of the place where this will be? Will it really develop in the centre? In the smaller English towns the main Cores have always grown around the first centre of development. It seems very difficult to change this. The first Core to grow seems to remain the real centre.
Hello...you can send a invoice.....Please best price.....20 balls in one great box.... or possible....20balls each packed in a box?