transcontinents Translations

ID Verified
Almost 12 years ago
English Japanese (Native)
Business Product Descriptions Travel
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
transcontinents English → Japanese
Original Text

I am finally done with the custom toddler I have been doing for Bountiful Baby….so glad!! I am going to start on Mei Lien for you next week. She will be so cute!! I enjoy making dolls for you more than anyone else. You are my favorite customer. ❤️. I sent you a request for $100 deposit on Mei Lien….to cover some of the supplies to make her. Total price for her is $875…with free shipping to Japan. So balance after deposit is $775. Thank you very much and I will have Mei Lien done I hope by end of October or first week in November. Then I will start on Liam GIRL for you. We can discuss about Liam girl when I start her….tummy plate? Etc... Thank you again…


Bountiful Baby用のカスタムトドラーをついに完成させました…とても嬉しいです!!
来週からはあなたのMei Lienに取り掛かりますね。すごくかわいいのを作りますよ!!
Mei Lienの作成にかかる費用の一部としてデポジット$100のリクエストを送信しました。
本当にありがとうございます、Mei Lienは10月末または11月第1週に完成させる予定です。
その後あなたのLiam GIRLを作ります。Liam girlについては、作り始めるときに話を詰めましょう…タミープレートにするか?など…あらためて感謝申し上げます…