transcontinents Translations

ID Verified
Almost 12 years ago
English Japanese (Native)
Business Product Descriptions Travel
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
transcontinents English → Japanese
Original Text

How do most products on Amazon get there in the first place?
Simply fed from ecommerce stores using a feed or a staff member
who copies and pastes.
Almost no one is driving traffic to their Amazon listings as they’re
too focused on their own mom-and-pop ecommerce website.
By driving traffic from outside sources to your Amazon product
(instead of your own website), you get two benefits:
1. Higher conversion rate because people TRUST Amazon (and
have their credit card # stored with them)
2. Increased rankings on Amazon = more Amazon buyers will find
YOUR product (2x or more sales from same traffic)
Video, specifically YouTube, is a FANTASTIC, FREE way to drive
great traffic to your Amazon product.



transcontinents English → Japanese
Original Text

I was so impressed by the presentation you have presented and the qualifications of inc. I am proud that I am one of the Arabic companies to serve both Japanese and Arabic communities. Hence, I would like to take this opportunity to cooperate with you on a business basis through the idea of Optical(light) Control specially when it comes to Expo 2020, it would be a wonderful concept coming from Japan to the Middle East and the GCC. My team in Dubai headed by Eng. Hussam Amin may give you any further details you may need. Also, I would like to confirm my participation in the 4th Japan-Arab Economic Forum which to be held in Morocco.Kindly visit our website to get to know more about our companies and our bank.


あなたのプレゼンと会社の実績に感銘を受けました。日本とアラブコミュニティの両者に寄与するアラブ系企業の一員として誇りに思います。そこでこの機会に光学(光)コントロールに関するビジネスで協同したいと思っています、2020年万博は日本が中東と湾岸協力理事会に素晴らしいアイデアをもたらす場となるはずです。Eng. Hussam Amin率いる私のドバイチームが必要な情報をご提供いたします。それと、モロッコで行われる第4回日本・アラブ経済フォーラムに私も参加いたします。弊社詳細と銀行については弊社ホームページをご参照ください。