transcontinents Translations

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Almost 12 years ago
English Japanese (Native)
Business Product Descriptions Travel
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
transcontinents English → Japanese
Original Text

Grab Details is used to grab detailed data which can’t be grabbed on first time when grabbing Amazon search result. Grab details will scrape individual product page, that is why it will be slower than scraping Amazon search result. On the first Grab, software will seek all products from the search result and Grab
Details will get complete data which is from product page.

Checked number is how many products you wish to grab the product details. Check All checks all
products on the list (might be slower depending on how large the list is)

Regrab is used if you have already used this grab detail process, which is noted by checkmarks on Details column. It is used to refresh the data which might change on Amazon.


Grab DetailsはAmazon検索ですぐにひっかからないデータの詳細を得るために使われています。
Grab Detailsは各商品ページを参照しますので、Amazon検索結果よりも遅くなります。
最初に、Grabソフトは検索結果から全商品を参照し、Grab Detailsが商品ページから完全なデータを抽出します。

Check Allではリスト内すべての商品を確認します(リストの長さによってはさらに速度が遅くなります)。

すでにGrab Detailsを使用し、詳細欄にチェックが入っている場合に使うのがRegrabです。

transcontinents English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

3. I have no question that the portion I took a picture of is a result of the production process… that is exactly my point! Fender wouldn’t sell a product with defects like this EVER! This is likely a cheap Chinese counterfeit model. 4. Finally – While your add doesn’t say that it comes with the bag, I asked you if it came with the gigbag previously (re: item#252147378189), and you said that it did. Since the authentic models ship in a Fender Deluxe gigbag, I assumed that is what it would come with. Please understand that I paid nearly a $200 USD premium over the normal price to get a genuine product.


3.私が見た写真の部分は生産過程のものに間違いありません・・・まさにこれが私の言いたいことです!Fenderはこのような不良品は絶対に販売しません!これは安価な中国の偽物のようです。4.最後に、あなたの説明では商品にバッグはついていないとのことでしたが、元のギグバッグがついてきたか尋ねたところ、(re: item#252147378189)あなたはついてきたとおっしゃいましたね。本物のモデルはFenderデラックスギグバッグに入れて発送されます。当然それが付属するのだと思っていました。私は本物を入手するため、通常価格に$200USDほど上乗せして支払ったのです、ご理解ください。