toshy2010 Translations

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Over 14 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
toshy2010 English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

"Throughout my eight years with Prudential, I've consistently been provided with opportunities to grow as well as help develop talent from diverse backgrounds,” said George Castineiras a vice president in Prudential Retirement.
In January, Hispanic Business recognized Castineiras on its 2010 “Corporate Elite" list ranking the top 25 Hispanic executives of the year.
“Prudential encourages leaders and all employees to create a workplace where different perspectives are included,” said Castineiras. “And we leverage our varied ideas to create innovative solutions that drive business outcomes.”



toshy2010 English → Japanese
Original Text

When I met with him at my office, we agreed to offer you a discount on these samples instead of returning. I believe the amount we agreed to is 50% off the sample cost. Please confirm that is correct. At which point, we will issue you the credit note as well as submit all sample invoices for payment. In case of orders below Eur 8,000=, the payment will be effected either by T/T Remittance, net 30 days, after receipt of goods or by C.A.D. with 3% cash discount.While for orders over Eur 8,000= the payment will effected by Irrevocable Letter of Credit (L/C) a sight with 3% discount.
Forwarder’s name will be mentioned in L/C you will receive directly from our Tokyo office.


私が彼と私のオフィスで合った時、当社はこれらのサンプルについて返却する代わりに割引を申し出ることに合意しました。当社が合意した額はサンプルの費用の50%引きだと思います。これで間違いないか確認して下さい。どこかの時点で当社は全ての支払い用の送り状のサンプルを提出すると共にクレジットノートを発行するでしょう。下記のEUR 8,000相当以下の注文の場合、支払いは商品受領後30日以内の電信送金か3%の現金割引付き代金引換で行われるでしょう。一方、EUR 8,000相当以上の注文の場合、3%の割引付き一覧払取消不能信用状(L/C)行われるでしょう。

toshy2010 English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

Lots of the sites listed above got started with brands created by the founders themselves with little to no research into the impact their color choice would have. I once asked Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of Facebook why he chose blue for his site design... "I'm color blind, it's the only color I can see." ...and now 500 Million people around the world stare at a mostly blue website for hours each week.

While the initial reasoning for the colors chosen may be trivial, the impact that these dominant players now have in the web world will surely influence the smaller startups that want to share in the positive color associations created by their bigger siblings.




toshy2010 English → Japanese
Original Text

Once a rocketship of a web startup takes flight, there are a number of Jr. internet astronauts hoping to emulate their success. and are inspired by their brands. And so Blue and Red will probably continue to dominate, but we can have hope for the GoWalla's, DailyBooth's and other more adventurous brands out there.
Would A Corporation By Any Other Color, Still Profit As Well?
Color is an important part of any brand, but along with the actual name of a company. Is it a great brand that builds a great company, or the other way around? Would Google, Google just as well with another name? My guess is yes.
Almost 10 years ago, Wired Magazine looked at the Colors of the corporate America. Blue & Red dominate again.




実際の会社名が伴わない場合でも、色は如何なるブランドにとっても重要な部分です。偉大な会社を建設するのは偉大なブランドなのでしょうか?それともその逆なのでしょうか?。Googleは、Googleは他の名前とまったく同じようなのでしょうか? 私の推測ではYESです。

約10年前、Wired Magazine誌は企業国家アメリカの色を調べました。青色と赤色が再び支配的になります。

Would Google, Google just as well with another name? My guess is yes.
Almost 10 years ago, Wired Magazine looked at the Colors of the corporate America. Blue & Red dominate again.

toshy2010 English → Japanese
Original Text

People can simply manage their mobile phone experience from personal computer. For example, people can easily locate a missing phone by triggering the handset to ring loudly, even if it is set to silent, or to flag its location on a map. If the phone’s been lost or stolen, users can remotely lock the phone, forward calls and texts to another phone, send a message to the phone to arrange its return or even remotely wipe all personal data from it. makes it easy to setup a new HTC phone or access archived mobile content such as contacts, text messages and call history from a PC browser. People can also customize their phones with exclusive HTC content like wallpapers, HTC scenes, sounds or plug-ins.



toshy2010 English → Japanese
Original Text

HTC Sense
The new HTC Sense experience offers a variety of enhancements that improve how people capture, create, share and access multimedia content. With a newly created camera experience, people can record HD videos or capture and edit images with a variety of fun camera effects. With HTC Locations, a new differentiated online mapping experience, people have instant, on-demand mapping without download delays or incurring mobile roaming charges.

HTC Sense also includes a new integrated online e-reading experience utilizing a new e-book store powered by Koboä and a new, mobile-optimized e-reader that includes the ability to highlight, annotate and quickly search for definitions or translate unfamiliar terms.


HTC Sense

新HTC Senseは、人々がマルチメディアコンテンツを取り込み、創造し、共有し、アクセスする方法を改善する様々なよりよい体験を提供します。
HTC Locationsによって新たな差別化したオンライン上の地図作成を体験できるようにし、人々はダウンロードの遅れや携帯電話のローミングの変化を被ることなく即座のオンデマンドな地図作成をすることができます。

HTC SenseはまたKoboäや見慣れない単語を目立たせたり、注釈を付けたり、定義を素早く検索したり翻訳したりする能力を兼ね備えて新たに携帯電話用に最適化したeリーダーを装備した新たなeブックストアを利用して新たに統合されたオンライン上のeリーディング体験をも兼ね備えて実現します。

toshy2010 English → Japanese
Original Text

Some experts argue that the mergers are also being prompted by divestments AIG was forced into after its bailout, particularly AIG's sale of ALICO to MET.
"What you have seen recently has really been deals driven by AIG. Those are very large transactions," says Angelo.
One of those deals could be for UK-based Pru, which may be vulnerable to an approach from a bidder after its failed bid for AIA.
The property and casualty is also ripe for consolidation because of the sheer amount of companies in the space, according to Meyer Shields, an equity analyst at Stifel Nicolaus. He argues that a large number of mid-sized specialized insurers are ripe to be acquired by larger carriers looking strategic growth.



toshy2010 English → Japanese
Original Text

We are expecting increased orders here and hope this trend continues in the Japanese market. Do you feel all the other buyers besides the ones you noted will place increased orders?
We have to submit the final order to our factories on September 2 . Therefore, please send me your confirmed order by that date.We have received orders from almost all of our top accounts, but still have a bunch of boutiques to go. See attached units on order so far. I included notes for certain styles so you have an idea.I highly suggest pushing buyers into the styles that are definitely going to get produced. There are of course some that are “on the fence”, so as many more orders in these as possible would be great.

