<Things you need in the Kitchen>a rice cooker, a commercial refrigerator, a commercial freezer, a Hangiri (a rice bowl), a Sushi display fridge, a drinks display fridge, some Makisu (a bamboo mat for rolling sushi), a knife, a cutting board, a knife sharpener, some sushigeta (plates for sushi), cooking scissors, a scale, a fish scaler, a bone remover, a skillet, an icemaker,a cold table, a commercial microwave, a sink, a bowl, a colander, a pot, a cooking brush, mixer etc.
Yes, no problem. The package will be sent by registered mail - $12 - and I will add this on to the invoice. The only thing I have to look out for is the 'unpaid paypal assistant' which is a relatively new thing introduced by ebay to speed up payments. If I see it start up to chase you for payment then I will over-ride it but it does not usually start up until after about 2 weeks so I do not think it will bother you. Good luck with the rest of your bids. Sincerely, David Riley
了解致しました。何の問題もございません。商品は、書留で配送致します。商品の代金とは別に12ドル頂きます。一つだけご注意頂きたいのは、"アンペイド ペイパル システム"です。このシステムは、支払いを迅速に行うために"イーベイ"によって紹介されたシステムです。2週間以内に支払いが行われない場合は、支払いを催促するメッセージが届けられます。もしこのシステムが作動した場合には、私はこのシステムを排除致しますので、お客様にはご迷惑が掛からないかと思われます。お客様のご成功をお祈りいたします。敬具デービット ライリー
Hello.I sent email to you, but I haven't got any reply from you.Have you already sent new ornament and hook of Eagle to me?I am ready to send the broken ornament and hook of Eagle.I am looking forward to hear from you soon.