Notice of Conyac Termination

Teruri Yamawaki (teruriyamawaki) Translations

ID Verified
Almost 13 years ago
Japanese (Native) English Indonesian
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
teruriyamawaki English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

Dear Customer,

We are writing to inform you that your order has been received.

However, at this time we are unable to complete the processing of your order due to your unconfirmed PayPal shipping address, which means that the address you have provided us with is not a confirmed address that PayPal has on file for you. Additionally, your account might not be verified with Paypal as well.

Please reply to this e-mail with a screen shot of your PayPal "verified" account status on the home page of your PayPal account and confirmed shipping address located under Profile > Shipping Address, so that we can complete your order and ship it to you as soon as possible.

If you have any questions please let us know.





ペイパルのあなたのアカウントページ上の「承認された」アカウント情報と、さらにプロフィール> 送付先住所から見られる承認された送付先住所をスクリーンショットし、それを添付してこのアドレスまでご返信ください。そうすることで、あなたの注文を処理しできるだけ早く発送することができます。


teruriyamawaki English → Japanese
Original Text

3. Bobobobo

Bobobobo is a luxury e-commerce service that offers choices of trip packages such as Indonesian Underwater Utopia to Gili Island or South Lombok, and Up in the Air packages, where you can head to Bhutan, Nepal or India. Make sure you have a lot money in your wallet, though, because all of the offered trip packages are worth millions of Rupiah.

4. Gonla

Gonla is an online hotel booking service that covers only hotels in Indonesia, especially in the Jakarta and Bali areas. Gonla gives you the best promotions to choose from, and it also has “Go Experience” features to read from travel guides, and travel stories written by travelers and travel journalists.


3. Bobobobo

Boboboboは、Gili島へのIndonesian Underwater Utopiaや南Lombokへのパッケージ旅行や、ブータン、ネパール、インドなどへの空の旅のパッケージなどの選択肢も提供する、高級電子商取引サービスだ。もうお財布にお金がいっぱい入っているかもしれないが、Boboboboが提供するパッケージ旅行は全て、何百万ルピアほどの価値があるだろう。

4. Gonla


teruriyamawaki English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

1. GoIndonesia

GoIndonesia is an online hotel reservation website with instant booking confirmations. GoIndonesia guarantees that the room you have selected will be available even when you book it during high season because of its real-time booking management, which connects with the systems at each of its partnering hotels. In addition, when individuals, travel agents, companies, or government departments are registering as GoIndonesia members, they can access the hotel’s special promotional offers online, including Hot Deal, Last Minute, Early Bird, Minimum Stay and Bonus Nights specials.

GoIndonesia also has a Blackberry application, which can be downloaded here.


1. GoIndonesia

GoIndonesiaは、各提携ホテルとシステムを繋ぐリアルタイム管理により、たとえハイシーズンでもユーザーが選んだ部屋を予約可能することを保証している。さらに、GoIndonesiaのメンバー登録をしていれば、個人でも、旅行代理店でも、企業や政府機関であっても、Hot DealやLast Minute、Minimum Stay、Bonus Nights specialsなどのオンラインでホテルの特別プロモーション価格にアクセスすることができる。


teruriyamawaki English → Japanese
Original Text

Asia Is The World Leader In SMS Innovation: Here Are 8 Great Examples

There’s a lot of talk these days about where Asia stands with Silicon Valley, and I’ve certainly tackled this topic a lot, but maybe we need to shift the discussion into areas where the Valley is not touching. As Dave McClure mentioned to me last month, the phenomenon of large social media networks or platforms with millions of users that make no money is unique to the Valley. It’s unique to there in part because there’s enough risk-taking money to sustain cockamamy schemes of bright-eyed, daring young entrepreneurs.



シリコンバレーに対してのアジアの立ち位置はどこかという話題が盛り上がっており、それについては私も度々触れてきた。しかし、シリコンバレーが関係してない地域にてついて話をシフトしていく必要がある。Dave MaxXlureが先月こう言った。何百万というユーザーを持つ巨大なソーシャルメディアネットワークやプラットフォームが金を生み出さないことは、シリコンバレーのユニークな面である。野心を持った若い起業家がばかばかしい計画をしても、シリコンバレーには、リスクを冒しても良いくらい十分な金があることが最もユニークな点だろう。