Tatsuto (tatsuto) Translations

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Over 12 years ago Male 60s
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
tatsuto English → Japanese
Original Text

Therefore, the question we should all be asking is: how can we leverage this platform in a way which will differentiate us from the traditional, under-stimulating, non-creatively branded campaigns we’ve seen before?

In this new socially connected era, the time has come to suggest recipes and use the ingredients necessary to cook up an innovative branded campaign for the hottest online community of Weibo thriving in a country rich with 1.3 billion potential users.

Let’s begin with the basics, and take a look at the infographic below. It sums up all the features a brand or company can harness to captivate, engage and grow a targeted community on Sina’s microblog.





tatsuto English → Japanese
Original Text

Kim also shared that the real market outreach in Australia is about four to five million users, which makes it difficult for startups to scale. For that reason consumer web startups have trouble gaining popularity. It is essential for Australian entrepreneurs to think globally and integrate with other markets.

But having said all that, it seems that there is not much of an entrepreneurship culture in Australia. In fact, most students choose to seek comfortable high paying jobs instead of venturing out on their own upon graduation. It takes time to build an eco-system, and Kim actually sees the potential in Australia to produce the next big thing:




tatsuto English → Japanese
Original Text

The majority of our staff are females which is unheard of for a financial services company. Finally, we have made a real effort to recruit outside of our industry to bring in new ideas. You need diversity to shake up very traditional industries that look within themselves for ideas. This is precisely why they don’t innovate and you have a real chance.

• Transparency rules

I think it is critically important that when building a team you are transparent about the risks and not just the rewards. Don’t take for granted that every employee may not be as well versed as you when it comes to market and financing risks you will surely face.





tatsuto English → Japanese
Original Text

It works to your advantage to be transparent because anyone that does not have a certain level of risk tolerance does not belong in the startup world. Try to mitigate the perceived risks with facts and always be honest. You are after all dealing with someone’s livelihood and everyone should enter the relationship with eyes wide open. I also am a big advocate of being transparent with business progress, both good and bad. We display our key real-time metrics across four ceiling-mounted plasma screens in our office. Withholding information breeds uncertainty and I would rather everyone feel unified and secure that we are all in this together.



tatsuto English → Japanese
Original Text

Once that is achieved we will issue stock to all of the employees and have stipulated that in our shareholders agreement with investors. I don’t think its especially helpful to grant equity up front as it has unclear value (so employees will not value it all) and it should be used as a tool to reward real achievement and loyalty.

I leave you with this thought. Building and motivating a team will be the hardest work you do. Again, build a foundation for what you want your company to look like in the future and not what it is today. Your product will take you only so far and it is your people that will be the ultimate factor in success or failure of your startup. As always, good luck! I am pulling for you.


