Shintra (takamichis) Translations

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Over 11 years ago
Japanese (Native) English Spanish
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
takamichis English → Japanese
Original Text

As chat apps evolve, it’s possible that they’ll come to be defined by their ancillary services – Line for games and as a broader social network, KakaoTalk for social gaming, Cubie for doodling and drawing, WeChat for (maybe) a mobile wallet and much more in future, and Whatsapp for… er… ummm… something.

Indeed, such accompanying feature-sets will likely be crucial to survival. So we look forward to seeing where Jongla takes its content, and how its user-base in Asia and around the world reacts to that.

Grab Jongla for iPhone or Android, and there’s a Windows Phone version coming soon.




iPhone用またはAndroid用のJonglaを手に入れると、Windows Phoneバージョンが間もなく登場する。

takamichis English → Japanese
Original Text

To have taxi drivers adopt their apps, those app development companies would approach taxi companies or drivers to have every cab equipped with a smart device with their apps installed in. One app managed to have every driver with Mr. Ma’s company equipped with a tablet — drivers had to pay 25 yuan for a monthly data plan and 300 yuan as deposit (it’s unknown whether the app development company would take the devices back and refund drivers). But Mr. Ma and his colleagues returned the devices soon for “that device is too big and not convenient”, apart from resentment over the expenses.



takamichis English → Japanese
Original Text

Now Mr. Ma has a TCL smart phone that was given away by another taxi app company. The app has been installed in the phone and Mr. Ma is required, by the lead of the fleet he belongs to, to stay signed in all day long. Some apps would show up at their weekly conferences to present how to use their services. It’s no secret that those bosses in taxi companies are bribed. There are 20 something drivers on his fleet and one third are still using one or more of those apps.

Mr. Ma said he did try out some apps but few makes any difference — business brought by those apps is less than one tenth daily.




takamichis English → Japanese
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He estimates the idle time of each day is one eighth. That’s what those apps are fighting for, or say, squandering marketing budget for. A handful of services have raised some funding.

At the same time, local taxi companies are not blind. They have customer service staff taking phone call orders and dispatch taxis. Some charge several yuan for each order and share that with drivers. They are aware of the rising taxi apps trend. Qiangsheng, a Shanghai-based taxi company, launched such an app last week. The fighting must escalate.




takamichis English → Japanese
Original Text

Foxconn resumes hiring in preparation for Apple's next iPhone

After a brief freeze on hiring,Foxconn has allegedly begun adding employees again at one of its Chinese factories — a move said to be made in anticipation of Apple's next iPhone.

Foxconn is in the process of gearing up to build Apple's 2013 iPhone, a person familiar with the plans said to Bloomberg.The handset is commonly referred to as a so-called "iPhone 5S," though the actual name for the unannounced product remains unknown.

A hiring freeze was instituted by Foxconn in Feb after more workers returned from the Chinese New Year break than did last year.Some had speculated the freeze may have been related to weaker-than-expected demand for the iPhone 5.




FoxconnはAppleの2013年発売予定のIPhone製造に向けて事業促進を図っているところです、とこの計画に詳しいある人物がBloombergに話してくれました。この新機種は一般的にはいわゆる「iPhone 5S」と呼ばれていますが、詳細が未公表のこの製品の本当の名前はまだ知らされていません。

雇用凍結は、昨年より多くの労働者が中国の春節休暇から帰った後の2月にFoxconnによって実施されました。なかには、雇用凍結はiPhone 5の需要が予測していたほどの伸びなかったことと関係があったのではないか、と疑念を持つ人もいました。

takamichis English → Japanese
Original Text

The new hires at Foxconn were reportedly requested by Apple to boost capacity in anticipation of its next flagship smartphone. In addition to assembling the "iPhone 5S," the employees are also expected to handle existing models, such as the iPhone 5 and iPhone 4S.

Rumors as to when Apple plans to launch its next iPhone have been varied, with some expecting a new handset to be unveiled as soon as June, which would mark less than a full year after the launch of the iPhone 5. In contrast, well-connected analyst Ming-Chi Kuo told AppleInsider last week that he expects Apple to face a number of technical challenges in assembling the "iPhone 5S."


報道によると、Foxconnの新規雇用は次の旗艦となるスマートフォンに備えた生産力増強のためにAppleが要求したものである、とのことです。「iPhone 5S」の組み立てに加え、従業員はiPhone 5やiPhone 4Sなどの既存モデルの生産にも携わるとされています。

Appleが次期iPhoneを発売する時期については、新機種はiphone 5発売後まる1年も経たない6月には詳細が発表されるだろうという人がいたりと、様々な噂が出ています。一方で、著名なアナリストMing-Chi Kuoが先週AppleInsiderに語ったところによると、Appleは「iPhone 5S」の組み立てに関していくつかの技術的困難に直面するだろう、とのことです。

takamichis English → Japanese
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According to Kuo, Apple is planning to include a fingerprint scanner underneath the home button of its next iPhone. This feature would allow users to bypass password entry and could potentially open the door to e-wallet functionality, but the inclusion of a fingerprint scanner is expected by Kuo to cause the "iPhone 5S" to launch later than some expect.

"Apple has to work out how to prevent interference from the black and white coating material under the cover glass," Kuo said. "Apple is the first to attempt this function and technology, and time is needed to find the right coating material, which will likely affect iPhone 5S shipments."


Kuoによると、Appleは次期iPhoineのホームボタンの下部に指紋スキャナを搭載する予定とのことです。この機能により、ユーザはパスワード入力を行う必要がなくなり、イーウォレット機能への扉が開かれる可能性もあります。しかし、Kuoが考えでは、指紋スキャナの搭載により、「iPhone 5S」の発売は一部の人が期待するよりも遅れるだろう、とのことです。

「Appleはカバーガラスの下の黒と白のコーティング材からの干渉をどのように防ぐかをという問題を解決する必要があります」、とKuoは語った。「Appleはこの機能と技術を採用しようと試みる最初の企業ですが、適切なコーティング材を発見するには時間が必要です。それにより、iPhone 5Sの出荷に影響が出る可能性があります」。

takamichis English → Japanese
Original Text

Singapore’s LoveByte, an underdog at 25,000 weekly active users, is building something special

Private chat apps for couples are an experiment. None of them have reach the stratospheric heights of Whatsapp, KakaoTalk, and WeChat, and they won’t: Simply because they’re a niche product. The top couple app around, Between from South Korea, has just over 400,000 monthly active users, a far cry from Kakao’s 27M daily unique visitors.

As such, revenue models that work stupendously on apps like Kakao — selling emoticons and creating mobile game platforms — may not work as well for Between, Couple, and LoveByte, simply because they won’t amass the volume to make micro-transactions worth the effort.





takamichis English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

Facebook Now Has Over 12 Million Users in Vietnam

In October 2012, WeAreSocial calculated that Facebook had hit 8.5 million users in Vietnam to overtake local rival Zing as the top social network. Today Facebook is at 12 million. That’s one million new users per month added in Vietnam alone. One of my sources who works closely with Facebook in Vietnam says that these numbers are actually modest, and 15 to 20 million is closer to the correct count.

If this rate of growth maintains, we’ll see over 24 million users on Facebook by the end of the year. Currently, over 30 million people are online in Vietnam, this will most likely hit 40 million by year’s end.



