Shino Case (sweetshino) Translations

ID Verified
Over 13 years ago
United States
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
sweetshino English → Japanese
Original Text

Once the information is received your account will reflect that credit card verification has been received. Please fax the form back to my attention at: 1-949-221-9240. Upon receipt, you will receive an email order confirmation, regarding the shipping status of your order. Your fax transmission will be received in customer service for review by management only.

If you prefer not to fax, you can scan the necessary information and e-mail it to me directly.

However, we can only accept it in .jpg, .gif, or .tif format only. Thank you for your patience, we look forward to shipping your order.


情報を受理次第、お客様のアカウントへクレジットカード確認が完了した旨を反映させて頂きます。書類はこちらの番号の当方宛にFaxで返送くださいませ。1-949-221-9240. 書類受理後、出荷状況のご注文の確認メールを送付させていただきます。お客様がFaxで送信された情報については、カスタマーサービスで受理され、当社の経営管理者のみが審査のため閲覧致します。


但し、メールでのご送信の際は、.jpg  .gif 又は.tif形式ファイルのみの受入が可能となっておりますのでご留意下さい。お時間頂きまして誠に恐縮ですが、お客様のご注文の品を出荷させて頂けますようご協力の程何卒宜しくお願いいたします。

sweetshino English → Japanese
Original Text

Thank you for your recent Smarthome order. To protect our customers from potential credit card fraud, we require the following information to process your order:

1.) A photocopy of both the front and back of your credit card, along with your signature underneath the image

2.) A photocopy of your driver's license or photo I.D.

3.) Name and phone number of issuing bank

4.) The form, located below, filled in, dated, and signed.

This will allow us to match your I.D. and signature to your card, much like when buying at a department store. This requirement is a one-time request, unless there is a change of account information, including credit card number.






