sakurako89 Translations

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Almost 13 years ago
United States
Japanese (Native) English French German
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
sakurako89 English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

Even in Japan , I understand there are several social commerce-related companies which are looking to expand to Taiwan , Hong Kong or Indonesia . These countries have a high number of Facebook users, especially Indonesia and Taiwan at 35 and 12 million respectively.

However this is just a start. Indonesia has a population of more than 240 million users and only 45 million of those are online users. Out of that group, 35 million are Facebook users. With the Indonesian government pushing hard to increase national internet penetration, the country looks like a good bet to be a rising tech-savvy nation with monetization coming at a later stage as the nation becomes more affluent.




sakurako89 English → Japanese
Original Text

State regulators on Thursday took MetLife Inc. to task, saying the insurer used a database that tracked deaths when doing so proved beneficial for one side of the company, but for years didn't use the same database when doing so could have meant more payouts to families of its life-insurance clients who died.

At issue are practices that had the appearance of selective use of the Social Security death database. MetLife and other insurers have maintained they are behaving lawfully. Under policy contracts, insurers aren't required to take steps to determine if a policyholder is still alive, but instead pay claims upon proper notification from beneficiaries or others.


