ravenhuiyuan Translations

ID Verified
Over 9 years ago
Chinese (Simplified) (Native) English Japanese
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
ravenhuiyuan English → Chinese (Simplified)
Original Text

Auto Backup and Data Sync
Enabling Sync will execute auto backup every time you input/edit expense data. To enable Sync and Auto Backup, Cloud Subscription is required, so please join if you have not. Data transfer and data sync can be done among multiple devices and between iOS and Android devices also.

Data backup
This will transfer backup data into Dropbox/Evernote. This function requires subscription or premium. Please note that backup data can be restored only on iOS devices (not on Android). To restore data, please select backup file on Dropbox/Evernote app and select "AA", "BB" or "Open in…".

Backup to local
This will save backup to local. This feature will be discontinued soon.

Data Restore (Local)



启动后将会传送备份存档到Dropbox或Evernote。这项功能需要订购或成为优先客户才能启动。请注意这项功能只能在iOS装置上恢复存档备份(不在安卓)。若您要恢复资料,请选择Dropbox或Evernote上的存档备份,再选择"AA", "BB" 或 "使用程式打开…"



ravenhuiyuan English → Japanese
Original Text

South Korea developed e-sports and fostered the competitive gaming culture we see rising in the U.S. The games may be American, but the associations and tournaments with the longest history, and the most dominant teams and players are overwhelmingly Asian. Based on the way e-sports developed in South Korea, it’s clear that e-sports are ready to go mainstream in the U.S.

Paying to watch people play video games

Despite the 31 million Americans who watch e-sports, it’s still difficult to comprehend the gravity of competitive gaming until you realize that Americans pay money to watch other people play video games — and advertisers pay for their attention.



