planckdive Translations

ID Verified
Over 9 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
planckdive English → Japanese
Original Text

Are you sending goods directly from a UK warehouse to private customers in the EU post-Brexit?

Will you be sending consignments to customers under the low value consignment relief threshold of 22EUR?

Are you going to be the importer of record for your sales into the EU?

As of the 1st January 2021, please list all marketplaces you will selling on and your own website:

Are you dispatching goods from Northern Ireland from a third-party warehouse?

If you are registered in the UK, and are on the Annual Accounting Scheme do you require to stay on it?

Will you be sending goods directly to private consumers in the UK, from a warehouse based outside of the UK?

Will you be sending goods from a warehouse inside the UK?










planckdive English → Japanese
Original Text

We set aside the 60 pieces MOQ for you as agreed before , that is why we did not sell them on our website. I don't think we can use the 150piece order to replace the 60 piece order.

Let me discuss with my partner about your proposal, it seems that many things have changed from what we have agreed from the beginning and it is very hard to do business if the plans keep changing as we have already planned our order and sales according to what was discussed before with you.

As ordering our stock from our factory requires a lot of back and forth discussion with our factory for their own planning as well, so I hope you understand that it is not that simple when we want to keep changing things anytime we want.





planckdive English → Japanese
Original Text

Hope all is well and that you’ve had a great new year.

My apologies for the delays as many of us here including myself had the covid virus. The factory in Bulgaria had to close and we had no staff here in the UK.

We are still on a total lockdown but we now have covid free staff at the factory and in the UK so we can now prepare your order if you’re still interested.

Also as you may have heard we have now completed the Brexit process, it seems that the UK has a trade deal with Japan so I’m thinking that we ship your order to the UK then send it from here to Japan, would that be the best way to do it?






planckdive English → Japanese
Original Text

The Month of January-1

It was in the month of January, the hills were clad in snow
As over hills and valleys, my true love he did go
It was there he spied a pretty fair maid, with a salt tear in her eye
She had a baby in her arms, and bitter she did cry

"Oh, cruel was my father to bar the door on me
And cruel was my mother, this dreadful crime to see
Cruel was my own true love to change his mind for gold
Cruel was that winter's night that pierced my heart with cold"

Oh, the taller that the palm tree grows, the sweeter is the bark
And the fairer that a young man speaks, the falser is his heart
He will kiss you and embrace you, 'till he thinks he has you won
Then he'll go away and leave you all for some other one


The Month of January-1(1月1日)




planckdive English → Japanese
Original Text

We’ve seen this happen before with some of our members and we’ve seen success in resolving transaction issues when buyers and sellers communicate. Our buyers are also encouraged and expected to be responsive at all times, as well as, empowered to offer satisfactory resolution to their sellers.

Although you may feel that you did everything to take care of your buyer, we have to maintain our original decision. When eBay makes a decision on a case, we can only use the information available at that time; the original decision was correct based on that information, so the case is not eligible for an appeal. Please note that this decision is final and cannot be changed or escalated.


このようなことは以前にも一部のユーザーの中で発生し、そしてセラーとバイヤーが十分な連絡を取ることで、取引に関する問題を解決することができたという例があります。 またバイヤーは常に適切な対応することが求められ、またセラーに満足のいく解決策を提供する権限を与えられています。
