スミス マーク Mark Smith (ozsamurai_69) Translations

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Almost 12 years ago Male
Japanese English (Native) Thai
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
ozsamurai_69 Japanese → English
Original Text



The following reasons could be considers as reason for the increase in energy consumption for cooking. Firstly, the enhancement of people diets had already taken place by the 70s. Efficiency improvement of cooking equipment had also progressed to some extent by this stage. the spread of retort products and eating out of the 1970s also contributed to the the further reduction of energy consumption. At the same time, growth of the heating energy consumption was small. It was certain that the widespread use of heating equipment had already been, and that the advance of thermal efficiency improvements was the reason. The number of homes with home heating appliances increased, the room size expanded, but their effects were limited.