ozeyuta Translations

ID Unverified
Over 13 years ago
Spanish Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
ozeyuta English → Japanese
Original Text

We're contacting you about your cancellation request for order #○○○.

We weren't able to cancel the following item(s) from your order:


When you receive your order, you're welcome to refuse the package. You can also return any unwanted item(s) by visiting www.○○○○○/returns.

In most cases, you pay for items when we ship them to you, so you won't be charged for items that you cancel. In some cases (e.g., you use a gift card or your debit card is processed as a PIN-less transaction), you may see a charge for a cancelled item. If you are charged for a cancelled item, we will refund you within 1-2 business days.

We hope to see you again soon.




注文された商品が届く際に、お客様はその荷物の受け取りを拒否してもよいのです。visiting www.○○○○○/returnsを通して不要な商品は返品することもできます。



ozeyuta English → Japanese
Original Text

Thank you for providing additional information. Unfortunately, the seller's name has not assisted us in locating your item.

In order to confirm that this item was delivered to the proper address, we require an invoice from the seller showing the delivery address or confirmation of the delivery address and signature from USPS.

I look forward to receiving these items so that we can assist you further.




