nono (nono) Translations

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Over 11 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
Medical fashion Culture
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
nono English → Japanese
Original Text

Gather specialists around you

The first person to join Luffy on his travels is a first mate named Zoro. The guy is a trusted fighter like him, and the next person is Nami, a navigator. The next is a sharpshooter/liar. The next is an excellent cook. The list goes on. But you get the idea. Each new person added to the team is a specialist in some sort of skill, and each one wants to be the best in that skill. This is one of the key points made in Minami’s book on human resources that many characterized as alluding to One Piece.



ルフィの航海[or冒険]に最初に加わった人物こそ、最初の仲間となったゾロである。ルフィ同様、頼れる戦闘員である(*訳注1:guyは複数形でなければ男性を指す語であるため、この場合のthe guyは前述のZoroを指し、the nest personとを指しているものではないと思われます。またNamiも戦闘員ではなく航海士の設定であるため、前述のように判断いたしました)。そして次に加わったのが航海士のナミである。その次が狙撃主でホラ吹き[or嘘つき]という人物。その次はすばらしい腕を持つコック、とどんどん続く(*訳注2:直訳いたしますと「(仲間)のリストはどんどん続いていく」となりますが、前文と併せて訳出しております)。と、お分かりになったであろう。新たにこの一団に加わる人物は皆、何かしらの[or何らかの/ある種の]技術[orスキル]におけるスペシャリストであり、そして、それぞれがその分野で[or技術において]一番になりたいと思っているのである。これが、「多くの人が『One Piece』をほのめかしている」と(みな)した南氏の人材[orヒューマンリソース]についての著書の中で言及されているキーポイントの一つなのである(*訳注3:that以下の著書に対する修飾内容がよりはっきりするよう「」で括るという方法を取りました)。

nono English → Japanese
Original Text


I ordered on the 31st March 2014 the above item. I was trying to track it without success. Eventually, only a few days ago I found out from the Royal Mail that my parcel has been stuck in the customs at Heathrow WORLDWIDE DC since the 21st April 2014. I tried to contact the customs but they could not help me. They informed me that the sender(you) need to contact the customs and find out what is wrong. I assume that the reason why it is stuck is the nuture of the item which is a knife. I am a professional chef and I have already ordered another knife the same date from Misono (amazon)but it successfully arrived.
The tracking number is ●●.

If you cannot sort it out please fully refund me.
immediate attention.



2014年3月31日に上記の商品を注文いたしました。商品の追跡を行ったのですができませんでした。ようやく、数日前にRoyal Mail(ロイヤルメール)から、(私の)荷物が2014年の4月21日からヒースロー空港のWorldwide Distribution Centre(国際(便)集配センター)の税関に保管されていることを聞き出しました。税関に連絡してみましたが、どうすることもできません。送り主が税関に連絡をし、何が問題なのか[or問題点]を聞き出すことが必要だ、と税関の方から言われました。商品がナイフなので、足止めされるのは当然のことと思います。私はプロのシェフですし、(Amazonで)Misonoに同じ日にナイフを(すでに)注文しましたが、そちらはきちんと届いています。


nono English → Japanese
Original Text

From the environmental point of view, it's not about whether you eat meat or dairy, it's about how much," he said in London on Thursday.

The report, Nitrogen on the Table, examined the impacts that changes in consumer food habits would have on nitrogen emissions from livestock.

It said a 50% cut in meat and dairy intake would cut greenhouse gas emissions by 25-40% depending on what the freed-up land was used for. The amount of imported soybeans, mostly used to feed livestock, would fall by 75%.

The taskforce concluded that the amount of nitrogen lost into the wider environment – into the air and into water – was 25 times higher per unit of food protein from beef than for cereals.


「環境保護の視点からすると、皆さんが肉類や乳製品を食べるか否かについてではなく、どのくらいの量を食べるかについて述べているのです。」と木曜日、ロンドンにて(Mark Sutton)教授は述べている。




nono English → Japanese
Original Text

This Japanese entrepreneur is freeing small businesses from their accounting nightmares

Founded by Daisuke Sasaki and Ryu Yokoji in July 2012, freee aims to make bookkeeping and accounting quick and easy. While the idea seems simple, no one seems to have created an easy-to-use piece of accounting software for Japan.

For many years, Yayoi has been dominating the accounting software space with over 60 percent market share in Japan. Sasaki says that Yayoi follows the dual-entry bookkeeping method, which could prove to be difficult and unnecessary for many small businesses. It functions okay but it lacks invoicing or bank account integration. It is at best an upgraded Excel spreadsheet.




何年もの間、 日本では『弥生』が会計ソフト市場シェアの60%以上を占めてきた。佐々木氏は語る。「『 弥生』は、多くのスモールビジネス(中小企業)にとって使い方が難しい上に不要ともいえる複式簿記(の方法)に則っています。複式簿記でも構いませんが、インボイスや銀行口座の集計(まで)はできません。

nono English → Japanese
Original Text

It has been over a week and I haven't received my packages yet (I purchased 2 items from you). The tracking number showing the latest date of 9 April which didn't indicate the latest date (now is 15 April)
Could you check to the delivery company where are the packages now? I'm afraid those were delivered when I wasn't at home. In that case, the packages will be put in the nearest post office and being returned within 5 days. So, please help me to check the location.
If haven't reached Singapore, then how long those will come?
If the packages were put in the post office, then which post office I should collect and what document to bring?
Kindly reply soon. Thank you.

