nono (nono) Translations

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Over 11 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
Medical fashion Culture
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
nono English → Japanese
Original Text

Alibaba introduces self-pickup delivery spots in Hong Kong as it flexes its logistics muscles

Chinese ecommerce giant Alibaba announced today it will introduce self-pickup delivery across Hong Kong today for goods purchased on Taobao Marketplace Hong Kong, in partnership with 7-11 and Hongkong Post, the city’s government-run postal service.

Now, users based in Hong Kong who buy goods off of Taobao Marketplace can opt to pick up their items at one of over 200 designated locations. 125 of these locations belong to Hongkong Post, while 7-11 and a bevy of local logistics providers operate the remainder.



中国のeコマース大手Alibabaは今日、セブンイレブンと香港の国営郵便サービスHongkong Postと協力し、Taobao Marketplace Hong Kongで購入した商品を対象とした宅配便をセルフピックアップできる場所を、今日にも香港各地に設置する予定である、と発表した。

現在、香港を拠点として、Taobao Marketplaceで商品を購入しているユーザーは、購入した商品を200以上ある指定の受け取り場所の中から1箇所を選択することができる。受け取り場所の内125箇所はHongkong Postに属し、残りはセブンイレブンと地元の物流業者が管理している(*3)。

nono English → Japanese
Original Text

the mean adult height in the nedocromil group(172.1cm) was similar to that in the placebo group (Table 1 and Fig. 2). The deficit in adult height in the budesonide group, as compared with the placebo group, was greater for women (−1.8 cm) than for men (−0.8), but the effect of budesonide on adult height did not vary significantly according to sex(Table 1). Although the deficit was greater for participants who were younger at trial entry than for those who were older and greater for whites than for those of other races or ethnic groups, the effect of budesonide on adult height did not vary significantly according to the age at trial entry, race or ethnic group, or duration of asthma at trial entry.

