nobeldrsd Translations

4.8 4 reviews
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Almost 13 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
nobeldrsd English → Japanese
Original Text

We have seen many Chinese developers who build smart gadgets raising funds from worldwide-known platforms like Kickstarter and Indiegogo and selling them to users in developed countries. There are also Chinese companies that offer solutions or sell components to makers from the rest of the world. We seldom see westerns companies that consider China one of their first target markets.

At the moment Bedscales is sold as the Early Bird special for $225. The company charges a $25 additional fee for worldwide shipping. In total that’s more than 1500 yuan. With that much money a Chinese user can buy a Xiaomi smartphone or any other average smartphone made by Chinese brands.




nobeldrsd English → Japanese
Original Text

Shenzhen-based Maker BIGnew Pal Helps You with Environmental Monitoring

BIGnew Pal Technologies is a Shenzhen, China- based appcessory developer. Its first product is Air. Air!, an air quality detector designed and prototyped in the wake of reports about a terrible haze in Beijing last year.

It uses the Low Energy Bluetooth to transmit data of air quality and temperature to your iOS or Android devices. It’d alert you when air quality moves below a specific level.

It took less than six months for the team to build a prototype. After having raised over $20,000 on Kickstarter, it has been put into mass production and is expected to ship in January 2014.


BIGnew Palは、環境モニタリングを手掛ける深圳のメーカー

BIGnew Pal Technologies は中国の深圳に拠点置きアプセサリーの開発を手掛けている。同社の最初の製品は空気だ。空気!、いやっ、空気質検知器で、昨年の北京でのひどい靄に関する報道がきっかけで試作品が開発された。

空気の質や気温のデータをiOS やAndroid機器に転送するのに低エネルギーのBluetoothが利用されている。空気の質が特定の基準以下になった際に警報を出す仕組みになっている。


nobeldrsd English → Japanese
Original Text

UVindeSir is another product the company is working on (raising funding). It’s a UV index meter. Plugging it into your iPhone or Android phone, you can read UV Index on its app. The app will estimate how much time you should be exposed in any specific weather condition before reaching the maximum amount of UV.

The company is in talks with Moji, one of the most popular weather apps in China, Dayima, a period tracker app, and other Chinese apps to bring more functions to it.

Daxin partners with Ufactory on the tech side. Ufactory, also based in Shenzhen, is an appcessory solution provider.

The company said they were approached by some investors and in talks on a potential investment.





nobeldrsd English → Japanese
Original Text

Would you pay for love?

Steven Baek, Head of Global Operations, IUM, tells e27 that on average, IUM makes US$500,000 to US$600,000 in Korea every month with more than one million downloads in the country. Hey, on the other hand, is said to have more than 8,000 downloads since its launch.

About 70 percent of the Korean crowd are paying customers, who purchase in-app currency to unlock special features. Skeptical, this author asked Baek why he decided to go with the payment option. He explains that in the real world, men who buy women drinks at bars face the risk of not having their interests reciprocated. This should be replicated in the online dating scene.



LUMのグローバルオペレーションの責任者のSteven Baek氏は、e27の取材でIUMが毎月平均的に50万から60万米ドルの売上を上げ、100万件以上のダウンロード数に達していると語った。一方Heyのダウンロード数は、ローンチ以降、8000件を突破したと言われている。


nobeldrsd English → Japanese
Original Text

What eventually happened was that these lookalikes could not keep up with the pace of the recommendation algorithm. IUM also runs partnerships with brands to do cross-marketing campaigns, and host movies which are aired at theatres.

“The biggest difference between them and us is the algorithm. If you sign up, it’s really easy to throw someone at you, or use a personal touch having someone do the matching everyday. IUM has a really sophisticated pattern to its algorithm,” he says. “It learns as you use it. If you give us all the information, our system learns what kind of person you don’t like, or like.”




nobeldrsd English → Japanese
Original Text

Hey and IUM come with a rating system, which this author tested after using the app. It costs 15 rubies on the Hey app to see how matches rate one another. While some do use the feature, it seems that many do not rate their dates as they will not be prompted to do that, even though they might get a free ruby for it.

Well, IUM or Hey aren’t about looking for the next relationship or friends with benefits. He says, “Obviously, everybody wants someone good looking, handsome or pretty, hot sexy girl, everyone wants that. But that’s not going to be your soulmate.”


HeyとIUM には評価システムがあり、筆者はアプリを使った後に試してみた。Heyのアプリでは、相手がお互いをどう評価したかを見るのに15ルビー(ルビーが15個)必要になる。一部のユーザはこの機能を利用するようだが、殆どのユーザは無料でルビーがもらえる可能性があってもそれに釣られず、相手には評価を付けないようだ。


nobeldrsd English → Japanese
Original Text

Bangalore-based trip planning startup Mygola raises $1.5 million in Series A funding

Mygola, the Bangalore-based trip planning startup, announced today that it has received $1.5 million in funding led by Helion Ventures, a Bangalore-based VC firm, with participation by Blumberg Capital.

The startup lets users prepare for getaways by searching through carefully curated and archived itineraries taken from publications such as The New York Times. The startup has its own algorithm designed to extract the relevant information in those pieces and funnel it in to easy to read itineraries, turning data like this…

Into itineraries like these:



バンガロールに拠点を置く旅行プラニングスタートアップのMygolaは、バンガロールのVC、Helion Ventures主導のラウンドで、150万米ドル調達したことを本日発表した。今回のラウンドにはBlumberg Capitalも参加していた。

ユーザは、The New York Timesのような刊行物から厳選しアーカイブされた旅行記を見ながら旅行の計画を立てることができる。同スタートアップの開発した独自のアリゴリズムによって、該当する情報が抜粋され、読みやすい旅行計画書に集約される仕組みだ。このようなデータが.... 。
