nobeldrsd Translations

4.8 4 reviews
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About 13 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
nobeldrsd English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

""Sorry for the troubles.There is no tracking number if item price is under US$50.It might be delay during the transportation. There are two ways to solve the problem:1) We FULL REFUND you with NO EXCUSE;2) We send REPLACEMENT to you,it will take about 15-35 days.Which one do you prefer to?If you choose resend, pls kindly close the case first, it really does very bad effect on our store. Then inform us via eBay message after closed, we will arrange the reshipment for you asap. Appreciate for your understanding and waiting for your soon news to follow up. Best regards,""



nobeldrsd English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

In fact, Pawoot Pongvitayapanu, Founder and Managing Director, Tarad, told e27 that through a campaign launched with chat app LINE last December, he has seen first-hand the positive effects mobile marketing has on e-commerce businesses. He added that the niche market Between offers fits Tarad well. “Because lovers always give each other things. That is a good chance for e-commerce (companies) like us to fill in the gap.

What is truly noteworthy is that Tarad has always been a visionary in the mobile commerce business. It has had a mobile site since 2003. Pongvitayapanu said, “We believed that mobile commerce is coming, and now it is here.”


実際、Tarad の創設者で業務執行取締役のPawoot Pongvitayapanu氏は、昨年12月にチャットアプリのLINEで行ったキャンペーンを通して、モバイルマーケティングがeコマースにもたらすプラス効果を直にみることができたとe27に語っている。また彼は、Betweenが提供するニッチ市場は、Taradにうまく適合しているとも付け加えた。「カップルは、いつも相手に物を贈りますので。我々のようなeコマース(企業)にとって、足りない部分を補うには良い機会です。」


nobeldrsd English → Japanese
Original Text

Thank you for your dealings with me advise me all the information
if you dont mind, can u ask ur friend or anyone can make for me like yours please with the lights on front,back and top
let me know how much the prices gonna be plz

Can you tell me where you can draw the body RTR? Thank you

I heard a long time nothing from you
But it doesnt matter
I have a bad news I had starting buliding the Baja RTR and yeah
The cage was nearly finished an then our house went burning becaus me Welding Machine had began to burn
I m very sad about this becaus the RTR my Inferno MP9 TKI3 my Inferno GT2 are all burned down
Now I have just stil buy an Axial SCX10 an it s a very nice crawler
I didn t find any videos on youtube from your car




良くない知らせです・・・、Baja RTRを作り始めたのですが・・・。
私のInferno MP9 TKI3やInferno GT2のRTRが全て燃えてしまい、とても残念です。
今はとても良いクローラーのAxial SCX10しかそばにありません。

nobeldrsd English → Japanese ★★★☆☆ 3.0
Original Text


* The problem described in detail, including the exact text of any error messages and whether those messages appear in the browser window or in a separate pop-up window

* The page URL on which this occurred

* The ASIN and title of the product you tried to list

* If applicable, the exact text/data you entered into the form that triggered the error

* Your browser type and version (e.g. Internet Explorer 8, Mozilla Firefox 3.5.9)

* Your operating system you are using (for example, Windows 7, Mac OS X)

* The complete URL that appears in your browser's address window

As soon as we receive your response we will be glad to investigate this issue further.



* 掲載しようとしたASIN(Amazon Standard Identification Number)や商品名。
*お客様のブラウザーの種類。(例えば、Internet Explorer 8, Mozilla Firefox 3.5.9)
*お客様の使用しているOSの種類。(例えば、Windows 7, Mac OS X)


nobeldrsd English → Japanese
Original Text

The hole in App Annie’s data, however, is WeChat, which started monetizing from stickers, games, and in-app payments last year. App Annie pulls it’s data from Google Play and the Apple App Store, which means its stats for Chinese Android apps are likely skewed. Google Play is seldom used in China because it can’t be installed on most phones sold within the mainland. Much like Line’s mammoth revenues likely originate from Taiwan and Japan, WeChat’s likely originate primarily from mainland China. So while both apps are technically top earners globally, they remain regional kings in a fragmented global space.


しかし、スタンプ、ゲームそしてアプリ内決済事業を収益化していったWeChatに関するApp Annieのデータには矛盾点がある。App Annieは、Google Playや Apple App Storeからデータを集めているため、中国のAndroidアプリに関するデータは恐らく正しくはない。Google Playは、中国で販売されているスマートフォンの殆どにインストールすることができないため、中国では殆ど使われていない。台湾や日本で莫大な収益をあげているLine同様、WeChatも主に中国本土で収益をあげている。両アプリは、厳密に言えば、世界で最も儲かっているアプリではあるが、利用されている地域はまだまだ偏っており、全世界を席巻した訳ではない。