Naoki Ohmori (naoki_bee_17) Translations

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Almost 10 years ago Male
Japanese (Native) English
Music Culture
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
naoki_bee_17 Japanese → English ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text



Amazing waterfall!
With this tour, you can enjoy the majestic nature of Iceland. As a friend of mine checked a word-of-mouth review and said "definitely I want to go there!", I joined the tour. I highly recommend it for those planning to go to Iceland. I went on the trip on the middle of September. The day time before sunset was still long at that time and it was not colder than I expected in Reykjavik but, it was getting colder as I was close to Glacial lake. It was the right choice I brought a UNiQLO's light down coat. I sat down the left side seat because the word-of-mouth said you should sit on the left side seats for securing better views. It turned out to be true. I'd like to thank the person left the comment.

naoki_bee_17 English → Japanese
Original Text

According to a release from Visualead, Alibaba will help its Taobao and Tmall vendors integrate Visualead into their marketing initiatives. The Chinese ecommerce giant has its own QR-code initiative, Mashangtao, which helps merchants create QR codes for any number of purposes like parcel tracking or marketing.

“We believe that Visualead’s leading Visual QR Code technology will complement our mobile marketing initiatives and enhance our ability to take advantage of the booming O2O opportunities in China,” said Zhang Kuo, director of Alibaba Group’s Mashangtao technology service, in a prepared statement.


Visualeadからの発表では、AlibabaはTaobaoやTmallの販売者をVisualeadに統合し、マーケティング イニシアティブを獲得する狙いだ。独自のQRコードのイニシアティブを握る中国巨大イーコマース企業Ma Shang Taoは販売者が荷物の追跡やマーケティングなど様々な用途にQRコード作成ができるようにしている。

「Visualeadの先進的な視覚的QRコード技術はわれわれのモバイル マーケティング イニシアティブを確固たるものにし、中国で急成長を遂げているO2O(Online to Offline)分野への活用力をさらに高めるものとなるでしょう。」とAlibabaグループ企業Ma Shang Taoテクノロジー サービス取締役Zhang Kuo氏は用意された声明文の中で発言した。