mura (mura) Translations

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Over 13 years ago
English Japanese
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
mura English → Japanese
Original Text

Problem is tour heads are not designed to be sold to the public. Therefore Taylormade won't tell you anything about them. Nor with they provide me wih any certificate of authenticity.

eBay is full of fakes. I don't sell any fakes. Not only do I have great feedback on eBay but I have perfect feedback on golfwrx. In fact I am one of the leaders at pointing out fake heads. Generally people ask me questions if stuff is fake I can help them find out. If you ever buy anything from someone and are worried just ask I can tell you how To tell. I sell only real tour issue equipment and stand behind everything with a 100% money back guarantee.




mura English → Japanese
Original Text

Goals are nice, but don't forget to live your life. When we have goals, we sometimes stop thinking about the present, and the present is where we live. Find something to be happy for now.

There is always something that we are waiting for and then life will begin. Stop waiting until you get that promotion, raise, perfect mate, etc., so you can be happy. It is nice to attain the big goals, but usually the glow of achievement is short-lived and we need to move on to the next goal. There will always be problems in your life and there will always be things that you want. If you wait for your problems to go away, or until you have the perfect life, you will never be happy.




mura English → Japanese
Original Text

Makeup is mostly beloved as an art form, but we underestimate the transformative power beauty products can have on our well-being during times of crisis. In the case of 2011's cataclysmic Japanese earthquake and tsunami—the one-year anniversary is already here!—one woman found a way to use makeup to help, heal, and uplift victims of the tragic disaster.

Tokyo-based Beauty and lifestyle planner Nawo-san is an advisor and supporter of the physical and mental psyche, and helps women develop a life of inner and outer beauty year-round. "Makeup reflects a woman's mental state—it's not just for appearance," assures Nawo. And after the tremendous quake, she realized her skills in beauty and psychology could help


メイクアップは一つの芸術の形として非常に愛されていますが、化粧品が持つ変身力は危機の際にも私たちの幸せに役立ちます。2011年の日本の破壊的な地震・津波の時に ・・・ あれからすでに1年がたちます!・・・ 痛ましい惨劇の犠牲者を助け、癒し、そして元気づけためにメイクアップが使えることを一人の女性が見出しました。
