mura (mura) Translations

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About 13 years ago
English Japanese
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
mura English → Japanese
Original Text

Besides bank defaults and credit downgrades, 2011 will be remembered for the rise of social media democracy in countries traditionally ruled by autocratic governments — most notably, the Arab Spring. The wave of protests that began in Tunisia in December 2010 spread first to Egypt, then to Libya, Bahrain, Syria and Yeman, with protests of varying sizes across many more middle-Eastern countries.

In regions where official media has been heavily censored for years, the rise of personal access to the Internet and social networks has meant that populist movements now have a voice that can reach the outside world.

Social Media as a Tool of Change


銀行不良と貸付焦げ付きだけでなく、2011年は長年独裁政権に支配されてきた国々でのソーシャルメディア民主化運動勃興の年と記憶されるだろう ― その第一は“アラブの春”だ。



mura English → Japanese
Original Text

Reuters says that its report is based on “various facets of innovation that relate to patenting and science” and that the companies that made the cut here are ones that invent on a “significant scale.”

Wondering about China? So were we. Here’s what Reuters has to say about that:

" The lack of companies from China is noteworthy and underscores the fact that
although China is leading the world in patent volume, quantity does not equate to influence and quality."

You can check out Reuters full report over at to learn more. You can also browse our chart below to get an idea of the countries and industries represented.




