monagypsy Translations

ID Unverified
About 14 years ago
English Japanese (Native)
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
monagypsy English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

Tag attached to her wrist says " FB 19 Lurilla, authentic reproduction of antique doll body entirely handmade by Seeley craftsmen in Oneconta, NY". I will describe her the best I can. Measures just under 25" tall, being a porcelain bisque socket head on composition type Seeley jointed body. Excellent condition the back of the head is marked 1987 SC5 5-78. Body has the Real Seeley body label. Lovely face with blue grey open glass eyes, painted lashes around the eyes, brown feathered brows and closed molded mouth. There is a space between her lips. A faint little dimple in her chin. Long auburn wig with locks of curls slips over the pate. The artistry on this doll is so lovely.


手首につけられたタグには「FB 19Lurilla、NY OnecontaのSleeley クラフトマンによって全てハンドメイドされたアンティークドールボディの本物の複製」と書かれています。私にできる限り、彼女について著述します。

monagypsy English → Japanese
Original Text

Chinese Online Car Rental Site Secures US$10+ Million in VC Funding

The Chinese start-up – a Beijing-based online car rental service – has secured a non-specific “tens of millions” of US dollars in first-round funding.

In a report from the Chinese-language ChinaVenture site, Yongche’s confirmed financing comes from Morningside Ventures, which has a long track record of investing in mainland Chinese tech firms.

The car-locating feature of's iPhone app.
Yongche started up in August of last year, and quickly became one of the country’s top online-to-offline (O2O) e-commerce sites.




中国語の中国ベンチャーサイトからのレポートにおいて、Yongcheは中国本土のテクノロジー会社において投資の長い記録を持つMorningside Ventureからの調達であると確認した。


monagypsy English → Japanese
Original Text

It now has cars in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, and Shenzhen. Users can find, book, and browse rental cars in the vicinity using just the iPhone or Android app.

Yongche is similar in concept to – which has gradually expanded its fleet of cars into over 50 cities in the UK and the US – except that Yongche is, for the moment, more focused on commercial, rather than passenger or leisure, rentals.

One investor already onboard with Yongche is the enthusiastic serial entrepreneur Lei Jun. The last time we encountered Mr Lei it was last month when we looked at the likelihood of his newest start-up, Xiaomi, launching an Android-powered smartphone.




Yongcheと共にすでにオンボードの投資家の一人は、熱狂的な事業家のLei Junである。最後に私達がMr.Leiに会ったのは、先月で、私達が彼の最新のスタートアップとなりそうな、XiaomiがAndroid搭載のスマートフォンに発表されている時であった。

monagypsy English → Japanese
Original Text

Currently he is trying to build the hacker community through Beijing Maker Space, a relatively new concept in Beijing. “It’s a place for engineers and artists to come together to make cool things.” He genuinely wants to create a world without borders where passionate engineers can learn, share, build and make money.

From students to people with full-time jobs

Based in Xuanwumen, Beijing, the lab currently houses a mixture of people. Some use it full time and others are people with normal day jobs that use the space to release their creative and engineering energy. Some come from Google and Yahoo or even Bank of China. The space also gives “students with a sharp idea, a way to realize it.”


最近、彼は相対的に新しいコンセプトであるBeijing Maker Spaceを通して、ハッカーコミュニティーを構築しようとしている。「それはエンジニアとアーティストがカッコいい物を作るために集まるための場所です。」彼は純粋に、情熱的なエンジニアが学び、共有し、構築し、お金を稼げるボーダーのない世界を作りたいと考えている。



monagypsy English → Japanese
Original Text

Says Justin. Since it is just starting out, the space can only fit 8-10 people.

Making Money

Beijing Maker Space plans to generate money from revenue sharing the sale of toolkits and assembled products with the creators. The space is currently free for people to use. Justin says “normally for hardware, you go from idea to research to demo development to product development to product testing then commercialization, the point where you get cash inflow. But for open source hardware, we can sell the electronic boards along the way, meaning cash comes in a lot earlier in the research and development stage.”




Beijing Maker Spaceはツールキットとクリエーターと共に組み立てた製品の販売の収益のシェアーからお金を生み出す計画をしている。そのスペースは現在利用は無料である。Justinは「ハードウェアのためには普通、あなたはアイデアからリサーチへ、そしてデモの開発、その後製品の開発、そして製品のテスト、それからお金の流入するポイント商業化へとこぎつける。しかし、オープンソースのハードウェアのためには、私達は電子ボードを販売する事が出来、リサーチと開発の段階におけるかなり早い段階において、多くのお金が入って来る。」

monagypsy English → Japanese
Original Text

According to Justin, the parts are not expensive because they are only building a demo out of cheap material, like plastic. Once they build a reasonable prototype, they can raise investment to develop it properly.

3D printers, scanners, multi-touch tables and a computer with no screen

One of the interesting projects that they have worked on is a 3D printer that can amazingly make 3D objects. The original version came from an open source lab in America called MakerBot. Justin says “we found a local vendor to supply all the electronic parts, made a few changes and made it.” It works by feeding the software a 3D model, like a blender; then the machine will print a real physical replica of the blender.





monagypsy English → Japanese
Original Text

Recognizing Bill's intelligence at an early age his parents placed him in a private school where he would be appropriately challenged. Bill first came into contact with computers at Lakeside Prep School. This event changed his life.
When the first personal computer , the Altair 8800 came out, Gates told the makers of the computer that they had developed an operating system for the Altair.
People liked using the Windows OS because it had a Graphical User Interface, allowing people with little or no computer experience to operate one quite easily.
Bill's OS has been instrumental in providing a global communication standard that bridges cultural and language barriers.


早い時期にBillの知能を認めた彼の両親は、彼が適正にチャレンジできる私立学校に入学させた。Billが最初にコンピューターに触れたのは、Lakeside Prep Schoolであった。このイベントは、彼の人生を変えた。
最初のパーソナルコンピューター、Altair 8800が世に出ると、Gatesはコンピューターのメーカーに、彼らはAltairのためのオペレーティングシステムを開発していると話した。
人々はWindows OSの使用を好んだ。なぜなら、それはGraphical User Interfaceを持ち、人々が少し、もしくは全くコンピューターの経験がなくても簡単に操作できるからである。

monagypsy English → Japanese
Original Text

EGG Photo360 Pack First enables you to create your own virtual tours in no more than a single shot! No additional fees, no keys, no plug-in to install.

EGG Photo 360 Pack First is composed of a lightweight and durable lens and a user-friendly software, which allows viewers to transform digital images into life-like, multimedia experiences available in EGG albums, Web pages, and e-mail tours. "Pan, tilt, links, and digital zoom" capabilities are built right into the software. EGG Solution Inc. provides the "EGG Photo360" pack to the public, non-professional photographers, and all companies wishing to develop their activities with new presentation applications.


EGG Photo360 Pack Firstは、あなたが独自のバーチャルツアーをシングルショット以外は必要とせず、作成することができます。追加料金もなく、キーもいらず、プラグインをインストールする必要もありません。

EGG Photo 360 Pack Firstは、軽量、丈夫なレンズ、ユーザーフレンドリーなソフトウェアで構成され、ビューアーがデジタルイメージを、EGGアルバム、ウェブページ、EGG Solutionにおいて生きているようなマルチメディア体験に変換することができます。「パン、ティルト、リンク、デジタルズーム」機能は、ソフトウェアに正しく構築されています。EGG Solution Inc.は、「EGG Photo360」パックを、パブリック、アマチュアの写真家、新しい体裁のアプリケーションでアクティビティを開発したいと願う全ての企業のために提供しています。