monagypsy Translations

ID Unverified
About 14 years ago
English Japanese (Native)
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
monagypsy English → Japanese
Original Text

Behind the scenes, it’s business as usual at Amazon. Joyo’s former president, Wang Han-hua, remains as Amazon’s country manager. In China, Amazon has ten operations centers across the nation, and boasts 400,000 square meters of logistics-oriented floor-space. Not quite as big as the 1.47 million square meters throughout the US, though. But Amazon reports that only 57 percent of its revenue comes from its American operations.

Sales in China, however, are not so impressive as its floorspace. The phenomenal growth of books- and 3C-seller 360Buy in China in the past few years – to be number two in the B2C sector – shows that Amazon missed its prime opportunity in the country.


舞台裏では、それはAmazonでのいつも通りのビジネスである。Joyoの前社長、Wang Han-huaは、Amazonの中国マネージャーとして残っている。中国において、Amazonは10のオペレーションセンターがあり、400,000スクエアメーターの路地スティックなフロアスペースを誇る。アメリカの147万スクエアメーターほど大きくはない。しかし、Amazonは、その収益の57%ノミがアメリカのオペレーションからのものであると報告している。


monagypsy English → Japanese
Original Text

As PO’s resident Android geek, I’ve closely followed this trend in China that leads away from Google’s (NASQAQ:GOOG) own Android Market, to localized sources that offer faster download speeds and don’t require a Google account to use. There’s plenty of choice, too – from web giant Tencent (HKG:0700) to smaller start-ups hoping to fill a niche. A few months ago, I made a list and overview of China’s eight best alternative Android app stores.

But, this new investigation shows that even some of those are unwittingly supplying malware-tainted apps that can steal data or cost you money by, say, auto-subscribing you to SMS/MMS services.


POの在住Androidギークとして私は、より高速ダウンロードで、Googleアカウントを使用する事を必要としないローカライズされたソースのGoogle(NASQAQ:GOOG)独自のAndroidマーケットから大きくリードしている中国のこのトレンドを徹底的に追っている。ウェブジャイアントのTencent(HKG:0700)から、適所に入り込むことW望む小さなスタートアップまで、多くの選択もある。数か月前、私はリストを作り、中国のベスト8の選択可能なAndroid アプリストアの要旨をまとめた。


monagypsy English → Japanese
Original Text

I also met up with James Tan, a fellow Singaporean who made a bold move to set up 55Tuan with friends he met during his time at university. He stumbled upon a MBA scholarship at Qinghua and quickly grabbed the chance, seeing it as a good way to learn more about China as a student. That is obviously one of the best decisions he has made in life so far. 55Tuan, the service he started with Qinghua classmates, is now one of the largest group-buy sites in China and is poised for an IPO by the end of this year.

He told me that if we can spend 24 hours focusing on a small market, then why not spend the same amount of time on a large market?


また、大学時代の友達と55Tuanの設立という大業をなしたシンガポール人のJames Tanにも会った。彼はQinghuaのMBAの奨学金に偶然気付き、すぐにチャンスを掴んだ。彼は学生として中国についてもっと学ぶことは良い方法だとしている。それは、彼が今までの人生で行った最良の決定の一つであった事は明白である。Qinghuaのクラスメートと共に彼の始めたサービス55Tuanは、今中国でもっとも大きなグループ購入サイトの一つであり、今年の終わりまでに株式公開する準備ができている。


monagypsy English → Japanese
Original Text

All rebate forms include two deadlines: a purchase deadline and a postmark deadline. To qualify for the rebate, you must complete your order on before the purchase deadline. If your item arrives after the purchase deadline, you will still qualify for the rebate as long as your order was placed before the purchase deadline. Once you receive your item, you must mail in the rebate form, along with a copy of your sales receipt (and, in the case of cell phones, the second month's service plan invoice and a copy of the UPC code) before the postmark deadline. Any additional documentation called for on the rebate form should be mailed in at this time.



monagypsy English → Japanese
Original Text

Exclusive: Zynga’s Van Natta Moves to Strategic Adviser; Feld Off Board, Paul In

November 17, 2011

In a new filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission concerning its upcoming IPO, Zynga is expected to unveil two key management and board changes at the online gaming phenom:

Chief Business Officer Owen Van Natta — who came to the San Francisco-based start-up several years ago to help CEO Mark Pincus grow it and develop it — will step down from his job and become a strategic adviser focusing on major partnerships. He’ll still remain board member at Zynga, but will give up millions of pre-IPO shares by moving out of his operational role.


独占記事:ZyngaのVan Natta は戦略アドバイザーへと移動、Feldは退却しPaul が参入



その成長と開発においてCEOのMark Pincusを助けるために数年前にサンフランシスコベースのスアートアップから来たチーフビジネスオフィサーのOwen Van Nattaは、彼の仕事から降り、提携に的を絞った戦略アドバイザーになる。彼はまだZyngaにおいて取締役であるが、オペレーションの役割から去ることによって何百万のプレIPOのシェアーを手放すことになる。