misha-k Translations

5.0 1 reviews
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Almost 9 years ago
Japanese (Native) English (Native) French Russian
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
misha-k Japanese → English ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text



1. It uptakes oxygen into its cells and converts it to energy.
2. A transistor which is able to control the actions of every electron individually.
3. A bacteria which produces lactic acid by its metabolism. It is used to produce fermented food such as yogurt.
4. A packaged structure of the DNA. It carries genetic information and plays a crucial role to determine heredity and sex.
5. A cell component of the blood. It appears to have a white colour.
6. A powdery cell produced from the flower stamens. It is the male gametophyte of seed plants.
7. A mechanical system which operates with microscopic electricity. It is used for products such as the nozzle of the inkjet printer.
8. A hair is what generates when the cell group of the skin has altered into keratin.

misha-k English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

and im confident with my group that they can help your business grow because of their track record and your are protected because this guy is also 1 of the right hand of senator Enrile and they are the one who control the port irine in Cagayan.
Take note brother that they will also do the marketing invetation for the auctions sale so you don't have to worry about the buyer of all that your going to export here,

They also have warehouse.You can see wen we go to there place at Cagayan and they advised you to stay there for to nights so that they can show you around.
Take note also that there place is economic zone so you don't have to pay taxes right away.
We discuss the best strategy wen you get here.




misha-k French → Japanese
Original Text

Fig. 5. - Ce croquis sur papier-machine résume une sculpture.
Lecteur, que de meditation depuis· 1922 autour de ce theme périlleux, que d'intentions, que de confrontations de l'idée logée en un coin de la cervelle, avec les « mais » et les « si » de la conjoncture, que de déambulations dans la ville sans cesse renouvelées pour apprécier, situer, débattre, proportionner. Ce croquis, manifestation de nature plastique, attend des temps nouveaux sa consécration. Labourez, semez, sarclez, cultivez et surveillez sans relâche... le temps vous en saura gré ; les fruits viendront à la saison.
—Une fois la porte ouverte sur ces choses...
—Une fois la décision prise de braver le ridicule ou les insultes...


図5. 紙に描かれたある彫刻のスケッチ。
危険をテーマとした、1922年より瞑想にふけるレクターは、脳の片隅に居座る考えに対峙するという意図のもと作られ、接続詞『mais』と『si』とともに、評価・位置づけ・討議・ 均衡に翻弄される都市の中を休むことなく歩んできた。

misha-k English → Japanese ★★☆☆☆ 2.0
Original Text

I contacted Icom America regarding the non-working 1.2 Ghz module. They suggested resetting the connectors, which I did and still no output or receive. As I stated before the frequency numbers come up perfect, just no receive or transmit. I use the 1.2 Ghz band with my satellite contacts, so I would like to have this working soon.

I can ship it back to you if you will give me credit to my PayPal account upon your receipt of it. In the mean time I can obtain one locally from an Icom dealer to replace the one I'm sending back to you.

If this is OK with you please send me the address and to whom I need to send it to the attention and I will get it to you as soon as I can and get a traaking number for your records.


動かない1.2 Ghz moduleについて、Icon Americaに連絡いたしました。コネクターのリセットを勧められましたが、やってみたものの、未だに出力も受信もされない状態です。始めた時から周波数もぴったり合ったものの、送受信がどうにもされません。自身の衛生交信機とともに1.2 Ghzの範囲を使っているので、できるだけ早く動いてほしいのです。

