mimiko0320 Translations

ID Verified
Over 9 years ago
Japanese (Native) English Korean
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
mimiko0320 Japanese → English
Original Text




To convey your opinion to a person accurately and fast is you should build your story with 5W2H before you start to talk.

If dust attach O-ring, it will become a gas leak. If chips from machines come in pipes, it will have possibilities to bring on vehicle fire or a fatal accident.
It is a way to make an improvement in [quality] and [work] to be better, and a flow of PDCA cycle is a fundamentals of a management.
To earn the trust of measured result, we need the situation that a value of a measuring equipment has to accommodate with national standard.
And, we need to do it at a specialized section.
It is not necessary for caps or safety glasses especially if you pay attention enough to be safe yourself.