mimiko0320 Translations

ID Verified
Over 9 years ago
Japanese (Native) English Korean
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
mimiko0320 English → Japanese
Original Text

After completing our additional review, eBay has decided to uphold its previous request for the resolution of the above related account and have determined that the link between the two accounts is sufficient. eBay reserves the right to suspend existing accounts as well as new accounts opened by anyone in the same household of a suspended user or by any other associates of a suspended user.

If you would like to have the account considered for increased selling limits, the above account must be in good standing.

We appreciate your cooperation and understanding regarding this restriction. We’re looking forward to partnering with you in order to establish a strong selling history and successful business on eBay.





mimiko0320 Japanese → English
Original Text




To convey your opinion to a person accurately and fast is you should build your story with 5W2H before you start to talk.

If dust attach O-ring, it will become a gas leak. If chips from machines come in pipes, it will have possibilities to bring on vehicle fire or a fatal accident.
It is a way to make an improvement in [quality] and [work] to be better, and a flow of PDCA cycle is a fundamentals of a management.
To earn the trust of measured result, we need the situation that a value of a measuring equipment has to accommodate with national standard.
And, we need to do it at a specialized section.
It is not necessary for caps or safety glasses especially if you pay attention enough to be safe yourself.