Nguyen Thu Hong (merose288) Translations

5.0 1 reviews
ID Verified
Over 8 years ago Female 30s
Viet Nam
Vietnamese (Native) English (Native) Japanese
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
merose288 English → Japanese ★★★☆☆ 3.5
Original Text

First off you, we greatly appreciate your interest in buying stuff on our site. However, it was so bad that there was an Unpaid Item case filed by the seller, not a problem because we can fix this especially if it is not your fault.

When I reviewed the entire transaction, I found out that you did communicate with the seller and try to complete your payment. I guess the seller does not know what to do or in short, does not know what they are doing.

I can conclude that this is not your fault and with it, we can easily remove the Unpaid Item case - if and only if it is close.

Considering that the case is still open, the best thing we can do to step in or intervene is to work with the seller on your behalf.




これはあなたのせいではないと結論付けることができますし、我々は簡単に未払い商品ケースを削除することができます -このケースは 完了した場合にだけ。


merose288 English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

Do not worry because I already contacted the seller and informed them to exempt you from the case then provided them the steps how to close the case. I also told them that, you as the buyer, is not deserving to get an Unpaid Item case and I educated them how to properly file an Unpaid Item case.

For now, you do not have anything else to do but to wait for them to close the case manually. I am confident that they will close it especially that we (eBay), is the one notifying them about proper procedure of this Unpaid Item subject.

If in case the seller will not close it manually, do not worry because the case will automatically close within 36 days leaving you no bad record or strike.



